XIX Nico

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Nico hated going to funerals, much less parties that practically served the same purpose.

"Come on!" Will had begged him. "It'll be fun! I promise."
"Why do I have to come with you?" Nico whined. "You're a big boy, you'll be fine."
"I won't know anyone there!"
"And I will?"

The McLean gala was like nothing he had ever witnessed in his entire life. It seemed like a ball straight out of a fairytale. He didn't know what he was more impressed with, the hypnotizing chandelier that hung on the ceiling, or the seemingly thousands of people dressed in clothing that could probably pay off all of his bills. The entire place looked like prom on steroids. He examined himself in his suit, which not only was embarrassingly large on him, but it had gone out of style years ago.
"You look fine," Will said, adjusting his tie. "You're not even the one who's going to be speaking."
"That's not the problem," Nico muttered, too quietly to be heard.

The entire concept of throwing a party in Hazel's name was incredibly disrespectful in Nico's eyes. Maybe four or five people on this room actually knew her, and her death was just an excuse for it to hosted. It made Nico sick. He still remembered the look on Frank's face when Nico regretfully had to tell him that she died in her sleep, followed by the absolute mental breakdown he had afterwards. There's was nothing cheerful or particularly party-like about that, was there? That, was the moment he was going to pitifully remember for the rest of his life.

As he listened to Frank's speech, he smiled to himself. Watch he and Hazel's friendship develop was like watching his children go up, and in a creepy way, it made him happy. However, the 'Fault in Our Stars' situation wasn't one to be romanticized. Frank's world seemed utterly obliterated. First his mother, now his best friend. On top of that, Frank was now going to have to move to Alaska with some of his distant relatives. How sucky was that?
"And now, a few words form Hazel's doctor's son. Dr. Will Solace."
A round of obligatory applause filled the room, and Will turned to Nico with a look of pure joy before heading up to the podium. He clapped for him, but rolled his eyes and couldn't suppress a smile.
Will cleared his throat before speaking into the mic. He looked so comfortable, so carefree. Was he even aware that thousands of eyes were watching him? It's not like Will cared about those things, but still, it was one of the traits he had that Nico envied.
"Hello! I'm, uh, Dr. Solace. My dad couldn't be here tonight, but wanted to say a few words regardless, so I'm here on his behalf." He shot Nico a look before continuing. "Hazel suffered from Stage III..." he cleared his throat again, this time uncomfortably. "Uh.. Stage III.. I'm sorry. I can't do this."
A murmur rose throughout the crowd, Nico himself felt his eyebrows shoot up.
"In truth, my dad was not Hazel's doctor. Although he was on paper, he wasn't."
What. Was. He. Doing?
"I don't deserve to be up here tonight, but Dr. Nico Di Angelo should be."
That little fucker, Nico thought.
Will cast him a smile that made Nico's cheeks burn red."Dr. Di Angelo deserves so much more than he is given. He may just be an intern, but he's one of the best we've got. Some of the staff isn't even aware he works there." the determination in Will's eyes was certainly one to be scared of. Nico put his head in his hands. "He was the one doctor that truly treated for who she was, a person. If you had asked her who her doctor was, I promise you, she would say Nico in a heartbeat. He is the most passionate, most devoted intern in that goddamn hospital!" Will shouted. The microphone gave feedback, to which everyone covered their ears. "Thank you."
The confused applause suddenly turned into an eruption of hoots and cheers, to which Nico turned a whole new shade of red.
"What the hell was that?" Nico asked, once Will  had stepped down from the podium.
"The recognition you deserve. Now, let's get out of here. I say we go to Burger King."
"No. I wouldn't be caught dead in a Burger King."
"Only if your treating."
Will swung his arm around Nico. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

And so it was.

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