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Sleeping in Jason's mom's bed gave Leo chills he just couldn't ignore. It felt wrong, no doubt, that the person who once sleep here was now sleeping five feet underground. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was sleeping in a grave.

When the morning came, Leo hid in the closet until he was absolutely positive that Thalia had left for work. Sometimes he waited for hours, sometimes minutes.
If he knew one thing, it was the difference between Jason and Thalia's foot steps. Thalia was light on her feet, almost dainty. The complete opposite of her personality. Jason on the other hand, stomped around like a giant. Therefore, Leo always knew when it was safe to walk around the apartment.
Leo knocked on Jason's bedroom door twice. Without waiting for a response, he pushed the it open with ease.
"Are you going to school?" He asked.
Jason looked at him in confusion, tying his shoes. "Aren't you?"
Leo considered the idea for a moment, but then quickly shooed it away. "Principle Zeus is kind of on my ass."
"What? Why?"
"Oh- uh, for sleeping at school."
"Why would you do that?"
Leo coughed uncomfortably, shuffling his feet. "I didn't really have any place else to go, dude."
Jason momentarily stopping putting on his jacket, suspending it in midair. "Oh."
The two suffered through an awkward silence as Jason continued to get read. Leo analyzed his room. It was fairly large for the apartment he lived in. By his estimations, it took up about a fifth of the living space. His bed never seemed to be made, and on the laziest days, his blankets just piled up on the ground along with his clothes. His desk was the tabletop equivalent to a post-tornado town. All Leo could see where sheets of homework dating all the way back to first term. The most interesting aspect of his room, though, was the tattered suit jacket that hung on his closet door.
Leo narrowed his eyes, taking it down. "What's this?"
Jason was quick to snatch it out of his off hands. "Nothing." He muttered, stuffing under his bed.
"You called that a suit? It looks like Cinderella's rats sewed it."
Jason huffed, fixing his hair in his mirror. "Whatever, man. Have a fun day off."
Leo tried to let it go, he really did, but his curiosity got the better of him. "Wait! Aren't you at least going to tell me what you plan on doing with it?"
Jason blinked. "Uh.. I-.. It's for a friend."
He practically radiated bullshit. Leo could smell the hidden truth from a mile away. "You know, your nose crinkles a bit when you're lying."
Jason touched the bridge of his nose, subconsciously. "Leo, I really have to-"
"You're going to sneak into the McLean Gala, aren't you?"
Jason gaped at him. "How-"
Leo shrugged, plopping down on his bed. "Educated guess. Plus, you really shouldn't leave your browser history open."
"You are a pain in the ass, you know that?" Jason growled.
"Do you want my help or not?"
At first, the question seemed to pass right through Jason. It was only after Leo had repeated himself, that it Jason actually heard him. "Do I need it?"
Leo doubled over laughing. He fell off of the bed, howling.
"Do you really think you're going to get yourself past McLean security alone? Are you for real?"
Jason shoved his hand in his pockets, uncomfortably. "I hadn't gotten to that part yet."
Leo wiped the tears from his eyes. His stomach hurt so bad, it was like someone had stabbed him. "Man, you are a riot. No, no. If you want to get in, we have to start planning now." Leo pushed everything off of his desk, making sure every last pen and pencil was on the floor. "You better call in sick, I'm not sure I could pass as Thalia."

It's only six hundred words, but trust me, the next update will be soon and interesting 😏

You Always Have What Other's Don't  ~a Percy Jackson AU~Where stories live. Discover now