XI Thalia

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This is 1000% a filler chapter but you know I couldn't think of anything that would move the plot forward whoops.

"Did you go to a bar last night?"
Thalia looked up from the coffee cup she was writing on. Of course, in all of his blonde glory, Luke was standing mere inches away from the counter.
Thalia scoffed. "So you're spying on me know?" She asked, calling out an order.
"Wha- N-no! No. I just-"
"Are you going to order something? Because I'm not exactly aloud to talk to you if you're not a customer," she shrugged, tossing empty coffee filters into the trash.
Luke growled, fishing a five dollar bill out of his pocket. "Hot chocolate, no whipped cream."
Thalia narrowed her eyes at him. "It's the middle of spring."
She put her hands up in defense, reluctantly making his drink. Who comes to a coffee shop for hot chocolate, anyway?

As she plopped the beverage down on he counter, she was more than eager to move on to the next customer, but Luke made sure he had her attention by the neck.
"I didn't cheat." he blurted.
"Good for you."
Luke grunted discouragingly, but still pressed on. "Can you hear me out, please?"
"I don't know, Luke. Can I?" She threw another two drinks down on the table.
"I'm sorry!"
"For cheating? Or lying about it?"
Luke's cheeks burned bright pink. "It's not like that!"
"Ah," Thalia said sarcastically. "Thank you for the clarification."
"Thalia, please! Let me explain. It wasn't what you think!" Thalia wiped a coffee ring from a nearby table, only to have Luke trail behind her like a lost puppy.
Thalia rolled her eyes, but felt her customers staring at the two of them with peaked interest. "Nice use of cliches. Now, can you stop causing a scene at my workplace?" She whispered harshly.
Luke swallowed hard, pushing Thalia's words to the far regions of his mind. "Tha-"
"Are you trying to get me fired?" She hissed. "Because that would be yet another thing you've messed up in my life, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone!"
She let the words slip past her lips like butterflies. As much as Thalia didn't mean them, or as much as they stung to say, it wasn't like she was wrong. Luke had dulled her flame for weeks now, he had destroyed her every ounce of self esteem she might have possessed. He made her angry, he made her depressed—
But she still loved him.

She hated herself for it, she hated her every action. She oozed self-loathing like it was her job. At the end of almost every night, she found herself going onto Zoë's Facebook, starring at the fatal picture that had brought her so much pain. The feeling of absolute heartache when she first saw the image of she and Luke kissing would be forever burned in her mind.

It was then, in Ambrosia's, did the look of hurt on Luke's face prove to be one of the most traumatic things Thalia had ever seen. His eyes brimmed with tears, and twisted in such a way that it almost brought Thalia to apologize. This was worse than the picture.
Luke stiffened, pushing away any intentions of peace that he had originally brought with him. Almost ghost like, he drifted over to the counter, picked up his hot chocolate, and throw a handful of coins in Thalia's fist.
"Keep the change," he whispered roughly, his voice raw and broken. With a defiant thud, the door to the coffee shop slammed shut. Leaving not only Thalia in silence, but every customer in the shop as well.

Was that okay? Idk man it's 3:30 am.

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