II Percy

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Everyone must be really mad at me for not updating in like 6 months... Whoops.
TW: Abuse 

"Hey! Percy!"
Percy grunted. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He wanted to go home, face the "mighty" wrath of Gabe, and go to sleep. Much less talk to anyone of his own species. He shoved his books sloppily into his backpack, pushing the voice into the far reaches of his mind. The blonde girl came trotting over. Percy tried to pull up his hood, making it clear he didn't want to talk, but the girl chattered away anyway.
"Thank you.. For the-"
"Don't thank me. I didn't do anything,"
The girl was taken back, a bit surprised by his remark, but stood her ground. "But you did!" She insisted, "You stood up to that jerk-"
Percy turned to face the girl. Her hair was the color of thick, oozing honey, and reflect every shade of blonde imaginable. The girl's glasses sat perched high on her nose, it reminded him of his mom when she would read. But her prescription must've been wrong, because she scrunched her face every time she looked him in the eye. Some memory flickered in the back of his mind, but it didn't resurface.

He slammed his locker defiantly, silencing her. It was him and the girl, standing alone in the hallway. The silence seemed deafening compared to the noisy classrooms inside. It was almost as if they were sound proof.
"Look, I did it because Octavian is a jackass, not because of you. So stay out of my way, okay?"
Despite his faulty knee, he heaved himself past her, using the colorless lockers for support.
"Wait! You don't remember me, do you?" She asked.
Percy stopped, barely looking over his shoulder. "Am I supposed to?"
No response.
Percy let out a mini sigh and continued walking, he heard a small peep come from the other end of the hall, but he didn't bother finding out what she said.


Percy prayed to every god in every religion that Gabe wasn't home. He prayed that he was with his flea ridden poker buddies with a stench so bad you could smell is from Chicago . That he was anyway but the cramped apartment.

But Percy was wrong.

He intricately squeezed himself through the narrow opening in the door, carefully placing his footing so the floor wouldn't creek. He quickly scanned the room. No sign of Gabe in the living room, all he needed to do was ease his way over to his bedroom. He tiptoed over stained carpet. It used to be his mom's favorite in 2007 B.G (Before Gabe). But now it has been torn and tarnished, and Percy was 78% sure rats were living in it. He was so close, all he needed to do was turn the brass knob.
You're so close. He told himself. Just turn it.
As his hands enclosed around it, a familiar scratchy voice filled him with fear.
"What are you doing home, you little runt?"
Percy was paralyzed with fear. He knew he had to say something, to say anything, but his jaw was wired shut with the realization that he was not getting out of this without a scratch or a bruise.
"Answer me!" Gabe roared, pilling him up by his hair. Percy yelped as Gabe examined the new bright red circle hanging under his eye.
"This.." He tapped it, and Percy cringed. "I didn't make this did I? No, you got into a fight at school."
Gabe's words slurred, as an alcoholic's sentences should. It was dangerously smooth, with a hint of serial killer crazy. Percy felt every bit of his body ache, as he predicted which blows went where, and which would hurt the most. Gabe let go of Percy's hair, and took aim at him with his beer bottle. Percy shrieked, as glass went flying at his face. Gabe threw bottle after bottle, and Percy felt like a human target. The sound of shattering glass filled Percy's ears and the sensation of danger bubbled in his stomach. He felt like a puppet, and Gabe was his master. Percy screamed in agony as another bottle flew past his leg, the glass digging into his thigh like teeth.

You Always Have What Other's Don't  ~a Percy Jackson AU~Where stories live. Discover now