Missing you

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*1 month later*
Macey's POV
Taylor went home to visit his family and Mahogany went back to performing arts school I was sad but I got over it I sat in my room and decided to FaceTime Tay:

T: Hey baby girl...
M: Hi daddy I miss you!
T: Yea I miss you too how's everything?
M: Good so far. Cam and Nash wanted to set fireworks off and Matt got too close to the firework and almost died! *Laughs* Oh and The Jacks also went back to Nebraska to visit their family.
T: That sounds like fun. Oh remember Alyssa?
M: *grunts* Yea?
T: Well she is gonna be living with us for a couple of weeks
M: Can I call you back
T: Sure
*Hangs up*

I looked out my window with Mr. Mub and read the note on his palm: you have to go through the rain to get a rainbow. I didn't like Alyssa she doesn't seem normal. But she is like the rain and I just have do deal with it to get a rainbow. "Macey are you okay?", Cam asked. "Yea hey is Carter here?", I say he shakes his head no and asks why. "No reason just curious", I respond and he closed my door and went back downstairs. I was sitting watching a movie when something hit my window. I ignored it and then it happened again, and again! It was Andrew hitting my window with rocks. "Yes?", I ask him laughing. "Can I come to your house?", he asks. "Sure but get Ansel too", I yell he nodded and ran to her house.

I rushed down to tell the guys that my friends are coming over. "Hey guys can you listen for a sec", I said and they kept talking. "Hey people are selling Vans for free!", I yelled at then they all looked at me. "Now that I have everyone's attention. In a couple of minutes Ansel is coming over", I said. "So what she comes over all the time", Aaron said. "That's not it a uh.. a b- boy is coming too", I said with my head down. "This isn't surprising", Matt mumbled and I glared at him. *Doorbell rings* "Yay its them! Behave", I said they nodded and I opened the door. "Hey Macey", Andrew said hugging me. I hugged Ansel and went to show the boys Andrew.

"Andrew these are-" "Hey my sister has a poster if you in her room", he said pointing to Nash. "Oh well um these are my dads. They all take care of me" "Cool I wish I had a dad", he said looking down and then we went to my room. We sat on my bed and I FaceTimed Taylor:

T: Hey baby gir-
M: Tay this is Andrew, Andrew this is my other dad Taylor
A: Hi Sir
T: Hello. Hi Ansel
Anzzy: Hey Tay I miss you
T: You too
M: Well we're going to go love you
T: Love you too *blows kiss and hangs up*

"Guys Matt, Cam, and I are going to the beach wanna come", Nash said coming into my room. "Sure but Andrew doesn't have any swim trunks", I sighed. "Wait my cousin leaves his swim stuff in my room Andrew can borrow it", Ansel said then grabbed his arm and ran out my room. Nash layed on my bed and I layed on top of him.

"I love you so so much. You know that right?", he said. I love his eyes and hair "Yea but Carter has been acting strange. Like really strange?", I said. " Oh he has been dating this girl named Maggie so he is probably happy", he said I shrugged and we went downstairs.

They guys were ready and so were Ansel and Andrew. When we got there we set up our stuff and Ansel, Andrew, and I ran into the water and splashed each other. I saw Nash talking to some girl and I sighed, why can't girls not like my dads. I swear it sucks! Nash gave her a paper and she walked away. We went back on to the beach and sat in the sun except for me I sat on Cam's lap and ate a popsicle.

When I was on Cam's lap his jaw dropped and pushed me off! "Cam what the hell!", Matt yelled hugging me as I cried. "I'll be back", he said and walked to a girl in a bikini.

Cam's POV
I really didn't mean to push Macey, its just that my ex Vanessa is here and if she saw me with kids she would thinks that I am married. "Oh hey Cam!", she said. "Hi Vanessa um how are you?", I said feeling awkward "Good, great actually. Are those your kids?", she said pointing to Macey.

Right now I am going to make the worst mistake of my life! "Matt are babysitting them and we took them to the beach", I said regretting ever word. "Hey Cam um we are playing soccer let's go", Andrew said tapping my leg. I said bye to Vanessa and walked back over the the guys.

After an hour of playing we went home. Andrew went home, Ansel went home, and I put Macey to sleep. Man I love that girl! She is my world if anything happened to her I would stop at nothing to find her! Before I left the room there was a note on her desk it said:

Dear Diary,
I love my dads but I feel like the older I get the more they forget about me. Carter and Maggie, Mahogany and school, Taylor and Alyssa (she is not really my fav), and now Cam and some girl. When I get older they are gonna look at me and leave me.
Love, Macey

I cried a little but left and went to my room everything will be okay by tomorrow.

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