Chapter 13 - [Beauty and the Bad Date]

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Hey guys!

Sorry about the delay in the update! I've been working all week! XD

I also wanted to let all my "The Prince and his Slave" readers know that I'm planning on rewriting the story! I wrote that version when I was in Grade 8 or something... which means that was a little under ten years ago (OMG) And I feel like rewriting it would be good so that it could be a lot better now that I've had time to grow as a writer (haha!) 

For those of you who have read the story, please let me know what you'd think about a rewritten version!! A rewritten version would mean generally the same plot, just making it a little more historically accurate and also maybe more interesting with romance, better character personalities, taking out unnecessary stuff and adding in necessary details, etc!

But yeah, let me know what you think! Of course, the old one will always still be on here! So nothings going to happen to that! Haha!

Thanks for reading guys! And please don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter!

Enjoy!! =D

-Luckycharms!! <3

-Luckycharms!! <3

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As Atem had suggested, I was going to tell Blake that I liked him. Of course, I knew it was not going to be easy. I mean, I was hell-a scared and literally felt like I was going to pee my pants, as I got ready to go see him.

I called Blake the next morning and asked him if he was free to come shopping with me that afternoon. He was thinking that I was in need of help to pick out a Christmas gift for my brother.

Of course, he said yes to coming. That was the thing about Blake, even if he was busy, he was always willing to make some time to help me out.

I was ready pretty early, so I sat on the couch next to across from Atem with a probably horrified look on my face.

Obviously, that horrified look was obvious because suddenly Atem groaned and rolled his eyes. "You look like you are about to run alone into the middle of a battlefield with no armor, no weapons and no training."

I chuckled at the comparison but frowned, "well what do you expect? I've never done anything like this before!"

"But if you do not take a deep breath and gain some confidence, you will not be quite appealing."


"Blake seems to like women who are confident."

I narrowed my eyes, "and how do you know that?"

"I spend more time with him than you do, as you know very well."


"He is an attractive man. I have seen girls approach him before and the only ones that ever seem to pique his interest are the very confident ones."

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