The Future [1]

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I was in a deep sleep... dreaming. The dream was definitely kind of weird since all it really consisted of were bright lights and soft music. However, it was peaceful and nice and I definitely did not want to be woken up.

So obviously, when I felt my body being shaken by some sort of external force, all I could do was groan and say "stop it," in my drowsy, drunken state of sleep.

"Wake up, May," I heard Atem say.

I groaned some more. "Leave me alone," I muttered. We all knew I wasn't a morning person.

Atem responded by grabbing my arms and pulling me up off the bed.

"No..." I whined. I was standing up now, hugging him with my head on his shoulder... trying to get some more sleep.

"Dear Ra, wake up, woman," he said. "We're going for a walk."

"What?" A walk? Now? What time was it?

"It's healthy," he said. "Come."

"Why?" I continued to whine.

Atem didn't waste another moment. He was practically dragging me into the washroom and when I was standing on my own feet, he closed the door and left me alone. "You have ten minutes."

Like I said before, I was not a morning person, so I rather angrily brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Though admittedly, I had fallen back asleep on the toilet for a couple minutes.

When I walked out of the washroom, Atem already had a piece of plain toast with a few fruits on a plate for me. There was also some apple juice.

"Thank you for the remarkably glorious breakfast after waking me up at five in the morning," I said, a frown on my face.

"You're welcome," was his response. "Now hurry up and eat. We'll go on a nice walk around the neighborhood and we'll have something better to eat after."

I purposely ignored him, gobbling down the piece of toast and then gulping down the juice. When I was done, we silently got up and made our way out of the building.

To be honest, being outdoors this early in the morning was actually really nice. The weather was beautiful, there weren't many people out and the birds were happily chirping. It was nice.

The only problem was that you had to wake up and get used to waking up that early in order to enjoy the experience.

And I hated waking up early.

"We're going to do this every day now," Atem said, making me turn and gawk at him.

"Why?" I whined.

"Stop whining," he said. "You have to. You are remarkably unhealthy and you need to be healthy now more than ever."

I knew why he was saying this, but that didn't stop me from pouting. I placed my hands over the belly that now held our three-month-old baby and sighed.

I wasn't even close to giving birth to her yet and she was already exhausting me.

"I'm not that unhealthy," I said. Especially now since Atem would constantly be making me these weird foods and forcing me to eat them. Apparently in the few years that Atem had stayed in Egypt, his little brother had married that special girl of his that he was into. And they had two kids.

Atem suddenly had a vast knowledge of babies since he watched as his own mother passed on wise motherly knowledge to his sister-in-law.

I was no longer allowed to eat fast food, that's for sure.

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