Chapter 21 - [Beauty and the Egyptian History Tutor]

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So yeah, I told him that I liked him and you're all probably wondering what happened next.

Like me, you probably hoped that after we hugged that night, he would have swept me off my feet and told me he liked me too... ever since he first laid eyes on me or something like that.

     Well, to keep it simple, no.

That didn't happen.

But... I guess we were dealing with Atem after all.

     We didn't talk about it at all after the night I told him and the night I spazzed at him. We were basically pretending it never happened.

     But it wasn't weird. We were normal again. And to be honest, within the next couple days I had no time to worry about it all. Why? Well midterm season started and I had way too much to study for.

     And surprisingly or not, the hardest course to study for was Ancient Egyptian History.

     There were so many Pharaohs.

     So many dynasties.

     So many weird names.

     So much to study.

     I mean, it was interesting. Ancient Egyptian History was fantabulous!

     But how the hell was I supposed to remember which King decided to commemorate the first pharaoh after each intermediate period?

     Of course... It was as I was trying to memorize the spelling of Hatshepsut's name that I remembered something.

     I had the number one Ancient Egypt resource in the world sitting in my living room.

     So I called him.

     "Akhenatem!" I said his full name out loud and practiced the spelling in my head while I waited to for him to respond. I would need to learn that eventually too.

     "What?" He responded from the living room.

     "I need your help!" I said, "can you come here?"

     I heard him get off the couch and walk into my room.

     All my notes were scattered across the floor and my bed and he raised an eyebrow when he saw the mess.

     "What is it?"

     "I have to memorize the names and lives of all the Pharaohs and I was wondering if you could help me?"

     He didn't seem too annoyed by this. In fact, he looked like he liked the idea.

     He walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down, crossing his legs, "what's your test about?"

     "Well, everything we learned up until the end of Dynasty 18, plus all the religion stuff." Thankfully I didn't need to learn everything. It was a midterm after all.

     He picked up my papers and examined all of them for a good five minutes. "I'm assuming by dynasty you mean House?"

     "Yeah, pretty much." I guess they didn't use the term Dynasty.

     "This is simple material, there's no detail in it at all," he said, "I don't see what's so difficult."

     "Well, I don't know if you've forgotten or not, but I wasn't born and raised in Ancient Egypt, nor did I spend my entire life learning their history."

     He smirked at that, "well, you like stories, right?"

     I nodded.

     "Than study it as a story."

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