The Future [2]

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I swear it felt like I was going to explode any moment now. My belly was the size of a basketball and a half and thanks to how huge it was, I had officially forgotten how my feet looked like.

Despite the fact that I barely ever wanted to get out of bed in the morning, you could imagine that Atem would not let that happen. He didn't cut me any slack, even when my pregnancy hormones kicked in and I started my bawling my eyes out because of how tired I was.

Nothing could shake this man.

I guess in the end it was for my own good... because I have to admit... when that moment came, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

It was around six in the evening and I was having a glass of water in the kitchen when I felt water trickling down the side of my legs.

I froze.

At first I thought I peed myself... which, by the way, had happened once (thank god no one was home). But when I stepped away and looked at the water that had now accumulated on the floor, I saw that it was clear.

Clear... and still continuing to drip down my legs underneath my skirt.

"Um... Atem..."

Atem had just gotten home from work and from the sound that I was hearing in the bathroom, he was still taking a shower.

"Um..." I hesitated.

It didn't hurt at all but I couldn't stop it. It just continued to pour down from between the middle of my legs as if some sort of tap had broken down there.

"Atem!" I called loudly.

The water shut off in the washroom and there was a pause. "What?" His voice echoed.

"I... um... I think my water broke?"

I awkwardly continued to step away, leaving a trail of water... my huge belly making it a little difficult to see the floor. By the time Atem burst out of the washroom, however, it had stopped.

He was wet and still in his towel as he rushed towards me. "What?"

"My water broke."

"You feel no pain?"

I shook my head. I read in a book that often times women were already well into labor when their water would break. Why wasn't I feeling any pain?

But then... as we both stared at each other... I think it really hit me...

"I'm going into labor..." panic rose as I whispered those words.

Atem was already running to our bedroom in his towel to grab his phone to probably call Aunty Maya.

I started to panic, beginning to take deep breaths. What was wrong with me? Why wasn't I feeling any pain yet? Was I actually going into labor? Was my baby okay? Was she already on her way out? My water broke! Should I start pushing?

I grabbed a hold of the kitchen counter as I heard Atem telling Aunty Maya what was going on. After another moment, Atem came rushing out of the bedroom in a pair of jeans as he threw on a shirt. "Aunty Maya is coming."

"Should I change?" It was when I spoke that I realized I was hyperventilating.

"Calm down," Atem said, though he himself did not look the least bit calm. "And yes... go clean yourself up and take a hot shower... do you need help?"

I shook my head. No. I didn't need help. Was that a bad thing?

So I went into the washroom, took off all my clothes and started my hot shower.

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