Bonus - [Atem and May Answer Your Questions]

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Authors Note:

Okay so, let me just say ahead of time that I'm going to just have fun with this! [and you will clearly be able to tell] ;D I hope you enjoy!! <3

You can fit this part into the story wherever you please! There won't be any spoilers, obviously, but feel free to use your imagination as to how these two answered your questions!! =D

Please don't hesitate to post any more questions you may have in the comment section for me to answer in a future bonus chapter!! And also, let me know what you thought!! =D!


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What's your favourite Ice Cream flavour?

May: Chocolate. I like chocolate! ^.^ Chocolate ANYTHING is awesome.

Atem: I do not like ice cream. It is too sweet. But if I had to pick then I think I would pick strawberry. Though I must add that it tastes nothing like real strawberries.

May, what are your top three favourite movies?

May: Beauty and the Beast is in first place. The Lion King in second. And Rise of the Planet of the Apes is third.

Atem: What?

May: *shrugs* I love chimpanzee's.

Atem, describe your ideal woman. Mentally and Physically.

Atem: *thinks for a long time* That is quite an interesting question. I have never actually thought of what kind of woman was ideal for me. But now that I do think about it, mentally, I think I prefer women who are capable of being good mothers.

Luckycharms: hmm... please elaborate.

Atem: Well, a good mother is mature, loving, kind, strong, good natured-

May: Basically the opposite of you.

Atem: *ignores her* -hard working, dedicated... I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

Luckycharms: and physically?

Atem: Well, thats easy. She has to be clean, for starters. And I also think women with larger hips and breast are quite appealing.

May: Atem!

Atem: *looks at her* This is a question that was asked to me. Stay out of it. *looks back at Luckycharms* a larger waist and breasts are indicators of child bearing capacity, you know. But anyways, plump lips are always appealing. She should smell nice too. And she should have clean fingernails.

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