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Hi everyone,

As you all know, this is a story that focuses heavily on Ancient Egypt, an African, black culture that existed years ago. Though Ancient Egypt does not 'exist' as a dominant culture today, its beauty and glory has literally and figuratively pushed through the ages so that we can love and admire it even now.

Like most of you, I'm a huge admirer of Ancient Egypt and do everything I can to make sure that I know as much about the topic as I can before writing about it. The thing is, I want to make sure that 'knowing much about it' is equivalent to respecting and loving black people and black culture.

The world is super crazy right now, and rightfully so, with protests filling the streets because our brothers and sisters are sick and tired of the treatment and the lack of equality that they have experience for hundreds of years. I am not black, but I want to be an ally in the best way I can because I know what it feels like to come from a group that has suffered from discrimination and violence, and I have also been following the movement for years and I too am sick and tired of what's going on.

So, I wanted to take a moment to share some resources with everyone so that you too learn more about what's going on in regards to #blacklivesmatter


If you have the ability to do so, please provide some support to those fighting for their rights. In the world we live in, monetary aid is significant and could do so much for the cause.

A good resource which shows ways on how you can do so is here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxaV7qlfQx/?igshid=umuqf2j0uyvu


If you do not have the means to donate, that is totally fair and understandable. An alternative is to use your voice and raise awareness, but also learn the importance of being an ally and being anti-racist.

There are a lot of ways to educate yourself on systematic racism, colonialism and historical situations that have led us to the place we're at now. Some of them include some good documentaries, movies, books, podcasts, etc. You can talk to friends or family members who can share their experiences with you, or you can do the work on your own. Whatever the case, I found a good post that shares some great places to start educating yourself: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvbZyVh1xc/?igshid=1jh9gvafytghy

From the list above, some popular movies and documentaries for you to start with, if you are just beginning your exploration of this topic are: When They See Us, The Hate U Give and 13th.

A REMARKABLE podcast that shows the importance of discussion and education is Joe Rogan's podcast with the incredible Daryl Davis. If you don't know him already, Daryl Davis is an activist who uses his words and intellect to 'convert' and educate KKK members : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGTQ0Wj6yIg&t=1s

I find that educations and understanding is always the best place for people to start in regards to any world issues. Ignorance is the enemy, always. Once you have started your learning, you will know what is right and know how to proceed when it comes to helping those in need.

So let's learn from each other, support each other and help our friends, our brothers and sisters who we must love and respect, get the rights and equal treatment that they have always deserved. 

We are in this together.

If you have any questions or would like me to point you in the direction of more resources, feel free to send me a message. If you want to share more resources, I'd love to see them in the comments. I'm always willing to learn more and I'm sure other's will appreciate it too.

Love, Luckycharms <3

P.S. I will post the links in the comments so you can click on them.

For more information: blacklivesmatter.com

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