Chapter 54 - [Beauty and the Last Time]

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Though it had been two months since Aunty Maya had discovered Akhenatem's tomb, it was still a big deal. I think part of the reason why was because a couple days ago, they finally opened up the tomb for reporters to go in and record it for their news broadcasts. But anyhow, it was May, and Akhenatem's tomb was being shown on literally every news channel.

Conveniently, it was on my birthday that the History Department decided that they were going to get together and watch the short new-documentary thing that our local news was playing.

During the day, the class threw me a surprise party with cake and everything. It was really nice and I had a blast.

Afterschool that day, the history teachers had all got together in their lounge and were sitting in front of a T.V., all looking excited. When I walked in, I came in the hopes of grabbing my bag and heading out, but of course, Mr. Rossi called me over. "Why don't you stay a while?"

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Ms. Oli recorded the entire Akhenatem broadcast since it was playing during class time. We're going to watch it together," he said. "Why not watch it with us? Your aunt is the head of the team that found the tomb, after all?"

I shook my head, "oh... no, I'm kind of busy..."

"It's only a forty-five minute broadcast, May," Ms. Brenar said. "C'mon, it'd be fun."

"You're practically a celebrity since you're related to Doctor Maya," Mr. Rossi said in a whisper that I was sure he wanted everyone else to hear.

I laughed. "Thanks, but really–"

All of the history teachers started to fuss. I had no idea why they wanted me to stay so badly aside from the fact that it would be a chance for all of us to hang out.

Or maybe Mr. Rossi was right. Maybe everyone just wanted me to be here since I was related to 'Doctor Maya.'

So I sighed.


Mr. Rossi grinned, patting the seat next to him.

I sat down next to him, wondering how bad it could possibly be. At least I could watch it and get it over with, right? How much longer would I be able to avoid the topic?

So I sat down and watched.

It was exactly how I imagined it was going to be. There were epic shots of the deserts, the pyramids and the many monuments of Egypt. There was a lady with a British accent doing the narrating, talking about the "marvels of Egyptian history." (Read it with a British accent to get the fullest effect.)

Then there was a short biography of Aunty Maya... all of which I knew already.

After that, they showed shots of images of Atem while narrating what they knew about his life.

His troubled childhood led to a troubled life. He ruled with an iron fist and cold heart and a no mercy policy. He did an excellent job scaring away the enemies by doing this. He also did a great job keeping Egypt under control.

"Fine, that's all interesting. But what is it really that intrigues us all about Akhenatem?" The blonde woman said with her accent. She then smiled, showing her pearly whites. "It's the curse."

The showed more images of him while the woman told her audience that the stories say he was cursed for being cruel. He was sent into the future to be punished, but instead of taking the punishment, he used it to redeem himself.

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