Chapter 1.

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The contents of this book are protected by the copyright laws, none of the material within the book can be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any form, (eg. elctronically, mechanically, photocopied or recorded) without permission from the author. ©Pianogirl56 2013.

Chapter 1:

Rain. The one thing we can't change. Something so pure. Something amazing to watch and touch. I love it.

I can hear the pitter-patter of the rain against my window as I perch on my windowsill, songbook in hand, and gaze out watching the perfectly round droplets crash onto the rich green grass of Holmes Chapel's country-side view hoping for some sort of inspiration.

Im Emma Raine, I'm nineteen years old with brown curly hair, hazel eyes and a somewhat hourglass shaped figure. I live in a small town in the Northwest of England, called Holmes Chapel in Cheshire. I live on a small road with a few other neighbours who are all elderly, so it's fairly quiet. I live with my mum and older brother Jacob (jake) who is twenty-one; my other brother Ben is twenty-six and lives with his girlfriend Anna. My parents separated a couple of years back, it came as a massive shock to us but now we have gotten used to it, it's become more adaptable. My dad lives in the next town over, I get to see him on weekends and during the week if neither of us are too busy - I love all of my family and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

After scribbling a few words into my songbook, I move from my place on the windowsill and move over to my phone as my alarm ongoingly vibrates. I pick it up and dismiss the alarm getting ready for a new day. I swiftly grab my make-up bag and apply my normal natural make-up accompanied with my trademark, red lipstick.

When done, I turn to face my white wardrobes and open them to reveal my clothes; picking out a floral dress, black leather jacket and tan boots to get changed into. After putting the essentials in my bag, I walk out the door and into the kitchen, grabbing my normal slimming bars, my bottle of water and keys off the worktop and heading out the door.

I get to the bus stop and patiently wait for my bus; I prefer taking the bus, even though I can drive, its my way of seeing the towns assets without having to concentrate on driving and to converse with my neighbours when I see them.

"Hello Mrs Grace how is Kelly doing" I ask the sixty-five year old as she seats herself across from me. A small smile appears on her face before she answers my question, "very well thank you! She gave birth to baby Helen last week, seven pound and eight ounces lovely cheeky girl she is. I'll tell Kelly you asked about her" she smiled, occasionally pointing with her hands whilst she was explaining. "Thank you Mrs Grace, tell your family I send my love!" I shouted slightly over the roar of the bus as it came to my stop. I happily jumped off the bus and made my way into Uni. For my last day.


After numerous goodbye parties and crying from the girls, I finally made it home, walking through the front door and grabbing a bite to eat before heading to my blue mini cooper and off to work.

My job is fairly simple. I'm an actress. It's what I aspire to be. I work with an agency that gets me jobs on the television such as advertisements and small roles in sitcoms or soap operas. I'm beginning to be quite a celebrity in our town, I don't think I can count the amount of times Mrs West from number thirty-four has told me she saw me on the tele last week. I'm beginning to think she is my number one fan. But today was different, I walked into my agents Liz' office and sat in the chair opposite her.

"Hey Liz, anything new for me" I chirped with a Cheshire grin on my face. "Actually I do, and I think you're going to be very pleased with it! A few well known writers have clubbed together and decided to write a film called 'Company', auditions were last week but they asked if they could see you! Apparently they saw you in a soap and were really impressed with your talents, you have an audition on Thursday!" I couldn't believe the words I was hearing. They wanted me?

All my life I have wanted a chance like this and now it's finally here! All those years I spent in the Chorus in plays, all the times I spent watching my idols as I sat at home and wished it could be me but here I am. About to take the biggest adventure of my life... Well on Thursday.

I gave Liz a bone crushing hug and thanked her for everything she has done for me. She returned the hug and we pulled back with giants smiles on our faces. I left her office and immediately headed back home after she told me to prepare for Thursday; I got home and greeted my my with a hug, she had no idea what for. "Hey, it's lovely to see you too. What's this for?" she muffled into my neck as I squeezed her tightly, "I've got an audition for a new film that's coming out and I just needed a hug" I told her as tears of joy streamed down my face. Her expression was priceless, her jaw dropped and then I saw the biggest smile I have ever seen appear on her face. I saw pride, and knowing I caused it was just an amazing feeling. She yanked back into a hug and repeatedly told me how proud she was, I couldn't stop smiling. My dreams were actually becoming a reality!



Today is the day. The day I have a chance to become a film star like I have dreamt since I was eleven years old! Today is that day.

I walked into the audition room and was met with two men and two women behind a table. They were all sat in formal clothing and had notepads in front of them. I spoke "Hello, my name is Emma Raine and I am here to audition for the part of Lucetta Carols" I smiled warmly at the four people sat in front of me and began my prepared monologue.

"I have spent endless years looking for you, searching for you! I-I-I have spent my entire LIFE in tears not knowing who you are! And now you think its okay if you just walk into my life as if you never left?! Who do you think you are?" I whispered as I began to get into the role more, I used a variety of gestures and moved around the space to portray my character. When I had finished I noticed faint teardrops falling from my eyes, looking down I sniffles the fake tears and look up at the four stunned professionals in front of me. "Well miss Raine, that was a truly inspirational performance. We are very impressed with your work and we would be privileged if you would star as the main female role in our film" one of the women announced whilst the others nodded their heads in agreement. Oh my gosh, I did it. I finally did it! "It would be my absolute pleasure!" I grinned and shook each of their hands excitedly, they told me to expect a call in a few days concerning the set location and my schedule. As I drove home I thought about my past and how I'd imagined this day. It made me smile a smile that I just couldn't get rid of - in this moment I couldn't be happier.

------{Harry's POV}------

"Right well done guys, that's enough for today. We will carry on tomorrow but for now you can go home. See you tomorrow!" Laura our vocal coach waved at us as we had just finished recording for the day.

"Thanks Laura! See you tomorrow!" we all chorused as we headed outside of the building towards the car. We saw about fifty fans stood outside the studio and decided to sign a few things and take pictures with them as they'd waited all day to see us. We really appreciate the dedication of the fans, we're lucky to have them, without a doubt the best fans in the world.

After signing the majority of things, we headed over to the car and all piled in, me being last. I turned around one last time to wave at the fans and saw a glimpse of a beautiful girl walking out of the studios. She had brown curly hair, sparkling hazel eyes and kissable red lips; she looked absolutely stunning. She glanced at me quickly showing her natural smile and dimples, similar to mine and I couldn't help but do the same - that was until I was pulled into the car by an impatient Louis wanting to go paintballing.

I sat in the car and looked out of the window, seeing her walk away towards what I assume to be her car. I wondered why she had been in the studio. Did she work there? Is she someone's daughter? Is she and intern or something? After a couple of minutes contemplating I shrugged, giving up on the reason she was there. Little did I know, the reason why she was there would change my life...


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- Pianogirl56

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