Chapter 33.

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Chapter 33:

------{Harry's POV}------

It's been a painful 5 days since mine and Emma's argument. I've tried calling her, texting her, I even went around to her house but she never answered. I just don't know what to do. I feel lost; so far, the only times I've been out of my house are work based, apart from that, I don't feel up to anything. At the minute I am sat on the couch watching a film waiting for my phone to ring, I sit up immediately after hearing the doorbell - I run to the door and quickly pull it open, in hope that I will be met with Emma's beautiful smile. Instead I was met with my 4 best friends. I looked to the floor, standing to the side and letting them in, before closing the door behind them.

"Hey Harry!" Liam chirped as he sat on the couch.

"Hey lads." I replied glumly as I let my body fall into the plush cushions of the couch.

"You still upset about Emma?" Niall asked. They all looked to me, awaiting my response.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do. I feel horrible about it but I can't help but feel I was right."

Louis piped in, "Did you let her explain?" I thought before answering.

"No. I didn't." I looked sadly to the floor, automatically knowing I was in the wrong. I sighed and ran my long fingers through my lifeless hair.

"Well then you shouldn't assume if you don't know the truth. You owe her an apology mate." Zayn added.

"I know. But everytime I call her, or text her, or even go to her house she won't answer me. She clearly doesn't want to talk to me." the lads looked to each other, as if they were telepathically talking to one another.

"Harry, maybe you should give her some time to herself. She loves you, she'll come around eventually." Liam smiled as he gave me his wise words. I nodded in agreement and glanced to the tv. "Anyway, you need to cheer up! You know what tomorrow is?!?!" Liam nudged my side and winked.

I looked to the lads and a smirk made its way onto my face as I saw their own large cheesy smiles, "the 1st of February." the lads cheered and patted my back. I laughed at them as they began to play fight, pulling me into the commotion. I could always count on my 4 brothers to cheer me up.

A ringing noise pulled us out of our wrestling match, I looked to where the sound was coming from and saw that it was Zayn's phone. "Zayn your phones ringing!" I shouted to him above all of the cheers and yells the lads were making.

"Who is it?" he stifled, caught in a headlock by Louis. I picked up his phone and glanced at the caller ID, my eyes widening as I read the name.

"Emma." the room fell silent as he rushed over to me and grabbed his phone, all of the lads looked at me panickly. Now they're hiding something to?

"Why is Emma calling you?" I asked him as he held his phone tight in his hands, occassionally glancing to the boys for help.

"S-she has b-been ringing us over the last few d-days," he said unsure of himself, "to see how you are doing." he finished, sighing and pleased with his own response.

"So you've all talked to her?" I asked. Nodding in response, they all fell silent - their eyes staring at me intently. "Why didn't you tell me?!" I raised my voice slightly.

"She didn't want us to." Niall piped in.

The room was deafeningly silent as I was wrapped in my own thoughts. I nodded at them, "Sorry lads." I muttered at them.

"Harry its fine, we get it." they all came up to me as we shared a group hug.

~~ [The following day] ~~

Yesterday went by quite quickly. The lads ended up leaving for an hour or two, then coming back to mine to stay the night. They wanted to be here on my birthday, to see me open my presents from them. Liam had gotten me a few new shirts, Zayn had gotten me a few CD's I asked for, Niall got me a few DVD's and a new phone cover and Louis got me glowsticks and a new pair of skinny jeans. I thanked them all for their presents. I sat on the couch waiting for the final present, one from all of them. Niall walked in with a clothing bag and hung it up on the doorframe; I walked towards it and unzipped the cover, disbelieving what I saw. "Why did you guys get me a new suit?" I asked, curious to why they had gotten it.

"You're going to wear it tonight." Zayn smiled. I contorted my face and waited for their explanation.

"We have an extra surprise for you." I smiled at what Liam had said, and thanked them all again. I was looking forward to this surprise!

I looked to the time and noticed it was 2pm, the lads had just left to get ready for tonight and I was shattered. I decided to head upstairs and take a nap, flopping onto my bed and letting sleep take over me...

[3 hours later]

I groggily opened my eyes from my slumber and looked to the time, 5:01pm, I pulled myself from my bed and headed straight for the shower as normal. I washed my hair with my normal shampoo and grabbed the soap to wash my body, I traced it over my skin washing every aspect of my body before putting it down and washing the soap and bubbles off. I rinsed myself once more before turning off the shower and making my way back into my room; I put on my boxers and towel-dried my hair. I looked to my bed, only to find a note written in familiar writing:


Go to the club at the golf course. I hope you have a nice night.

Happy Birthday.

Em's x.

I smiled at the note before looking to the bottom right corner and seeing the acronym "PTO" written in another familiar writing, but not Emma's.


Love Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis the Almightly :)

I laughed at the message and quickly got dressed, I sprayed aftershave onto myself after quickly fixing my bowtie. I put on my dress shoes and smiled in the mirror, happy with the result as I grabbed my belongings and made my way to my car. Getting in, and turning on the ignition as I made my way to the club at the golf course. I wonder what they're all up too!


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- Pianogirl56

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