Chapter 41.

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Chapter 41:

The flight took 4 hours from London straight to Greece. Santorini is on a small island not far from the main land so by the time we got here it was about midday.

We made it to the villa and unpacked our suitcases. It's absolutely amazing! With a large living room all pristine and white, it has two main bedrooms, one with a double bed and the other with two singles; all of them made with clean white cotton sheets with a coffee coloured pillowcases and a coffee coloured throw, it has a crystal clear blue pool at the back that looks out over the ocean; and an amazing kitchen with a matching a pine table, surrounded by white cushioned dining chairs. Everything about this place is perfect and I couldn't be happier than I am when I'm with Harry. He makes the entire trip worth while.

After our bags are unpacked we sit ourselves in the living room looking through the glass wall and out to the clear blue ocean. The view is absolutely breath-taking, I watch as the waves overlapped each other all fighting to reach the shore. Snuggling closer to Harry enables me to feel the familiar feeling of his warmth beneath me as I continue to marvel at the view, I can hear his heart beat rhythmically and I smile; this heart, his heart, is mine. My eyes begin to close and I can feel myself slowly start to drift off into a light sleep.


My eyes flutter open and I look around the room realising where I am. I automatically smile as I glance around the paradise, my gaze averting to the bed I am lay in - Harry must have carried me to bed.

I look at the duvet to find it covered in light pink petals, making me smile as I follow them into the living room, finding no-one in sight. My body faces the glass wall as I look out over the sea, suddenly feeling two hands behind me that rest themselves comfortably on my waist; I swivel slowly to see Harry fully dressed in a suit and bowtie, "You look handsome, what's this for?" he smiles down at me before answering.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you somewhere." his plump lips leave a ghostly kiss to my cheek before leaving me stunned in the centre living room. After a few seconds, I stroll into our bedroom and change into a nude coloured dress - it's longer at the back and short at the front with a v-neck collar. I pair it with my matching nude coloured flats with a bow on the top, before heading back into the living room to find Harry stood waiting for me. "You look stunning." he whispers into my ear, making my body tingle and my face blush a innocent shade of pink. He softly grasps my hand and pulls me along with him out of the door and towards the ocean, he walks me down the broad walk and towards a desolate dock - it has flickeringly romantic candles outlining the edge and something left in the middle. My eyes wander to the mystery item and I curiously attempt to figure out what it is, although I fail unsuccessfully. "Go and have a look." Harry whispers to me, reading my thoughts, as he gently pushes me in the direction of the small object, I peer at it closely and pick it from it position on the floor, finally realising what it was.

A floating lantern.

I look back at him confused still holding the lantern in my hands, "Read it." he grins cheekily.

I turn with my back facing him and avert my attention back to the floating lantern in my cold hands, he had written in his distinctive writing:

'Dear Emma,

I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life proving it. You have made me realise what it's like to love someone so much you can't stand to be apart from them. When I'm with you my heart beat increases, helplessly pumping blood through my chest, and sometimes I wonder how you have that effect on me, but then I think, that's always happened. From the minute I saw you in the club to right now on this dock. My feelings for you have never changed, and they never will. You have made your family proud Emma, you have achieved so much in your life and they will always appreciate you, but most of all you've made me proud; to know that you're strong for everyone and you would do anything for them. Just like I would for you. Because you are my inspiration Emma. And I truly do love you.

Forever yours,

Harry .xxx'

I carelessly wipe away my cascading tears and turn to Harry, he now stands looking over my shoulder as I read his beautiful words. "Pick up a candle and send it off." he spoke softly to me, referring specifically to a candle. I do as he said and pick up a tea candle, placing it in the centre of the lantern and letting it float out of my hands and into the starry sky. I smile at the gesture and turn back around to the most perfect and romantic person in the world, Harry. He calmly takes my hands in his and slowly lowers himself down on one knee, holding a small black velvety box in his large hands.

I gasp before he even has a chance to speak, "Emma, this last year with you has been one of the most incredible years of my life and I don't want it to be the last. I love you so much and you have changed me as a person, you have made me realise what its like to fall in love. And it would be an honour to spend the rest of my life with you." I giggle to myself and tear my hand away from his to wipe a stray tear that had fallen due to his perfect words, then returning it to its previous position, making him chuckle at me, crying already. "Emma Raine," he pauses for suspense, "will you marry me?" his large hands grasp it tightly as he carefully opens the memorable velvet box to reveal a stunning diamond ring, I smile as it sparkles dazzlingly in the candlelight.

"Yes Harry. Of course I'll marry you." I speak calmly, attempting to control my nerves and tears as he places the beautiful ring on my finger. His arms wrap securely around my waist and lift me off the floor, as my arms were comfily enclosed around his broad shoulders; he crashes his perfect pink lips to mine in a passionate kiss and squeezes me even tighter. The kiss bursting with emotions, both of us ecstatic and elated at this incredible moment. It shared more emotion than any kiss previous to it, and I know in this moment, that I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Harry feeling the way I do right now. We pull away for air and gaze into each others eyes, smiling contently. I feel his warm minty breath hit my face as he sets me firmly back onto the ground. "I can't believe we're getting married Harry!" I smile disbelievingly, still not use to the overwhelming feeling. I'm his fiancé, wow!

"Come on babe." he says, grabbing my hand and leading me back towards the villa. Our hands still connected as he opens the door and stands next to it in a gentlemanly manner, "ladies first." he smiles and motions for me to go inside. I reply with a courteous 'thank you' at his gentlemanly offer and stroll happily inside, hearing him shut the door after himself.

He swiftly turns me around and pecks my lips cheekily before smirking and running off towards the bedroom. I watch him flop down onto the bed, a laugh erupted my lips and take a running start doing the exact same thing and jumping childishly onto the fluffy bed. I fall next to him, which results in him pulling me into his strong arms, and holding me as close as I can get, not wanting to let me go at all. "You've made me the happiest person alive." he mutters warmly into my ear before kissing my temple tenderly.

"I'd say the same but..." I tease, cocking my eyebrow and recieving a playfully light hit on my arm as I hear his husky voice laugh in my ear. "I'm only joking. You have made me the happiest person alive too. And the luckiest!" I add; gently kissing his forehead, then his nose, then his cheek until finally I reach his irresistibly plump pink lips, feeling him smile sweetly into the passionate kiss. "you're everything I could ever ask for and I love you." I breathe, feeling his heart pound beneath my hand as my hazel eyes gaze into his glistening green ones.

"I love you too." he replies, before I rest my head lightly on his chest. Our eyes start to droop and the sound of his gentle heartbeat acting as a lullaby, making me feel safe and loved - his breathing quiet although audible as we begin to drift off into deep sleeps. I smile knowing that I am in the strong, loving and caring arms of Harry Styles.

My fiancé.


Well the next chapter is the final chapter and then there's an epilogue, so I hope you guys have liked my book so far, and keep reading.

Comment and vote please :) Thank you!

- Pianogirl56

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