Chapter 30.

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*Warning: contains mature content*

Chapter 30:

Cocooned in my duvet, I felt a soft and warm presence by my face. I nuzzled into it as it kept my nose warm, I slowly opened my eyes to see a lump of fur curled in front of my face. I rolled my eyes before peeling my duvet from its previous state and getting up, then walking downstairs; closely followed by the furry culprit that woke me from my slumber. I filled his food bowl and poured milk into his other one, then poured myself some freshly squeezed orange juice making my way into the living room and plonking myself down on the plush couch; being absorbed by the comfy leather and plumped up cushions that lay there.

"Hey Zaz." I mumbled as he sauntered over to me and positioned himself beside my left hip, he nuzzled his nose into my side as I let my hand fall on him, stroking his soft fur in the process. "Big day for me today Zaz" sighing and allowing my head to drop back where it rested on the top of the couch. The doorbell blared throughout the empty house, forcing me to stand and answer it.

"Hey Catherine!" I said, answering the door to my hair and make-up stylist.

"Hey sweetie! I'm here to help you get ready for the premiere. It should take a few hours, I need you to be perfect." she giggled as she passed me, making her way into the living room. After shutting the door, I followed closely behind her.

"Coolio! Well it's 11 now and the premiere doesn't start til 5 so we have plenty of time." I smiled to her.

"We sure do! Fancy nipping out for a coffee and a bite to eat?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll just go and get dressed." I ran upstairs as Cath occupied herself with Zaz, he's such a ladies man!

I changed into a baggy tee that came just over my bum along with denim shorts. I slipped on my white converse as I ran downstairs getting my keys and following Cath out the door. We drove to a small cafe a few streets away, I parked up and was bombarded yet again with flashing cameras and shouting press as we made our way inside.

"I seriously don't know how you do it! How can you cope with them everywhere you go? They are doing my head in and I've only seen them for a split second." she breathed, clearly annoyed by the lack of privacy I have.

I giggled, "You learn to just ignore them. Though they're still annoying at times." we ordered and sat on a table at the back of the cafe, it was a shame we couldn't sit outside because it was such a nice day; but I didn't really want the press taking pictures of me eating and listening into my private conversations.

"So you excited for tonight?" Cath started the conversation. To tell you the truth, I am excited. I am excited for the new film and for everyone to know about me and Harry but at the same time I'm a bit worried, worried at what everyone will say or think, what rumours will start and how people will react.

"Yeah, I am. I'm a bit nervous though." I admitted.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, you'll be fine. You been to premieres before you know what you're doing." she smiled, trying to calm me.

"It's not that I'm worried about." I mumbled under my breath, but unfortunately she heard me. You see, only family and close friends knew about me and Harry. Considering I hadn't see Catherine in a while she wasn't in the loop.

"What is it?" she whispered somewhat intrigued.

"Im seeing Harry Styles." I whispered barely above a whisper.

"YOU WHAT?!" she screamed in shock, not believing my news.


"Sorry! When? For how long? Why didn't I know." she questioned.

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