Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15:

Yesterday went really well, and I came away knowing I'd made a few new friends. Everyone was really welcoming and they seemed rather interested in me. I was slightly nervous because I knew everyone there meant a lot to Harry and I wanted to make a good impression on them, I cared about him and I could tell their opinion meant a lot to him.

Considering I get a few weeks off until the premiere, I decided to use my time wisely and spend as much of it out of the house as possible! Today I decided to arrange a day for me and Harry once he finished work. It was a secret for him so I decided to ring the one and only... Paul, to help me organise it. I held the phone to my ear as I waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" his voice rang through my speaker and I smiled.

"Hey Paul" I knew Paul through Liz and met him on a few occasions, he was lovely and told me if I needed anything to just call him, well up until now I was quite alright, but I could use his help.

"Oh hey Emma! Not spoken to you in a while, you okay?" he asked.

"I know it's been too long, I'm fine just finished a new film. I've actually called to ask for a favour?" I waited for his response in anticipation.

"Nice to hear, I'm sure it's going to be amazing! What's up?" I sighed in relief.

"Thanks Paul! Well I've arranged a day out for me and Harry and I was wondering if you could take him there? It's kind of a surprise!" I asked.

"Yeah that's fine by me, I'll take him after work. Where do you want me to take him?" I told Paul all of the details and he promised to keep it a secret from Harry.

I got ready and headed to the place excitedly awaiting Harry's arrival!

------{Harry's POV}------

We finished work at about 2pm today which gave us most of the afternoon off. I decided to call Emma and see if she wanted to do anything but before she could answer Paul took my phone and ended the call.

"What was that about?" I looked at him confused. He just smiled at me and directed me to the car.

"Paul where are we going?" I questioned he didn't respond and I remained confused, having no idea what was going on or where I was going.

"Paul?" nothing. "Paul?" silence. "Paul?!"

"Harry isn't it obvious I can't tell you, it's a secret." he said. We arrived at a gate on a main road and Paul stopped the car. He passed me a white envelope, "don't open that okay? Keep it closed, give it to the person inside the gate and they will take you there, okay?" he asked I nodded and got out of the car. "Have fun Harry!" he shouted as he drive off. I'm so confused right now.

I walked up to the green gate and unlocked it, the rust cracking beneath my fingers. I walked through and saw a guy stood there, I gave him the envelope; opening it, he signalled for me to follow him, great, someone else who isn't allowed to speak to me! We walked through a maze of different bushes and came to a cafe with pictures of animals on the walls, he walked me to a corner booth at the back and told me to sit down, I sat there waiting for a minute until I was tapped on the shoulder...

------{Emma's POV}------

I saw him sat in anticipation in a booth at the back of the cafe, I giggled to myself knowing how confused he must be. I slowly walked up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder, I smiled as he turned around. His face changed from confusion, to happiness, then to realisation. He stood up and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug, in response he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him leaving no space between us, which I didn't mind.

"So this is all your doing?" he chuckled, I laughed with him and began to explain myself.

"Well you kidnapped me so I'm just returning the favour" I reasoned.

"But you sent Paul! I thought I was delivering a message to a secret agent or something!" he exclaimed, I laughed at his exaggeration and walked with him out of the cafe.

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise. A day out for us." I said. He turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"Like a date?" I chuckled.

"I suppose you could call it that, if you wanted to." I replied, smiling largely at him showing my dimples as he nodded.

"Date number 2 it is then," I nodded in agreement "so where are we?" he said just as we walked out of the cafe.

"Look." I replied.

He tore his eyes away from mine to look at his surroundings. His smile grew even bigger and his dimples exposed themselves as he realised where we were. "London Zoo" I smiled at him and before I knew it I was engulfed in a hug. I hugged him back and then we headed over to the entrance to start our way around the zoo. "So what's your favourite animal then?" he asked as we walked into the aquarium.

"Well I love the big cats. Like the tigers and lions and cheetahs and stuff, but, I have a soft spot for the otters as well," he smiled "What's your favourite?" I added.

"Well I kind of like a bit of everything but I do like the monkeys, I don't know why." he laughed as we looked at all the different types of fish.

We spent a good 20 minutes in every section maybe a bit longer for our favourites. Our last animal to visit were the penguins, which meant that we were back where we started, at the cafe.

We reached the penguins and laughed at their antics. Some were swimming, some were jumping around, some were sliding around on their stomachs, me and Harry were in fits of giggles watching them until he felt a tap on his arm. He turned around to see a group of 10-13 year old girls with pieces of papers and cameras. I kept my back to them not wanting them to know who I was, so I just carried on watching the penguins and casually listened in to their conversation. There were a lot of "I love you's" and such but Harry's answer to one question made me smile and blush at the same time.

"Harry will you go out with me??" the girl begged as he signed her piece of paper and took a picture with her.

"Well I would but I'm kind of casually seeing someone at the minute." I heard his husky voice respond, after that I couldn't stop smiling. I averted my attention back to the penguins and giggled at one jumping around. Soon enough I felt two large hands wrap slowly around my stomach and Harry's head rest on my left shoulder, I leaned my head on his lightly as we laughed at the penguins. He kissed my cheek gently and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the cafe as we got something to eat. We sat down and Harry spoke, "Today has been so much fun! We need to come here more often." I laughed at his excitement and agreed, today had been a really amazing day!

Before we left, Harry invited me to go clubbing with him tonight. Not feeling up to it, I decided to decline and told him to have a good time and to be careful. He pouted but understood and pulled me into a long hug, kissing me on the cheek, before we parted and went our seperate ways.


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- Pianogirl56

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