What have I done?

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Callie's POV:
     "Sofia, mommas in the bathroom can you bring me the toilet paper please" I chirped, attempting not to bark at her, "it's just a phase!" that's what Meredith said. "Tuck went through the same thing" Bailey explained, but to be completely honest, I DON'T CARE! I love my daughter, I do but this is becoming a real problem.

     "HERE!" my bundle of joy screamed, I yelped as she threw the paper at me, hitting me in the head. "Now Sofia, your a tiny human, and tiny humans are suppose to respect their parents", that was my ex wife's interpretation of parenting.

     I however have a little bit of a shorter fuse when it comes to our daughter. "Sofia Robbins-Sloan-Torres you get ur ass over here right now!" I spat while I chased my kid, who was running away laughing hysterically.

     Arizona's obviously instilled a lot of fear into her with her "talks", she insists we have to talk calmly and quietly or else she will grow up to be a run away drug addicted felon prostitute, so I do. And now I have a nasty bitchy condescending, adorable little five year old.

     Anyway I eventually chased her down and force dressed her into a denim dress, we finished getting ready and packed our things. Today is bring ur mommy and daddy to daycare day... Super, I'm stuck with Arizona and a room full of gossipy hospital staff smiling at another room full of crying smelly future hospital staff. It was already hard enough with Meredith away, were down one attending and now they wanna pull like ten more away!

     So, we pulled into our usual parking space, I sighed in relief because I had spent the last 20 minutes listing of a five year olds interpretation of Frozen's "let it go". "Ok everyone, grab your parents and let's sit in our circle for story time!" A middle aged blond haired woman wearing a ladybug necklace said while waving us all to join her, already on the rug.

     It was funny, how parents think alike. Nobody said anything but right after the first little boy rolled away off the rug every parent stuck their kid in the inclosed area made of our own bodies tightly pressed together. This caused me to push up against Arizona, I tried not to to touch her but a peppy brunette nurse from cardio shoved into me, giving me no choice but to lean on her.

     Arizona flinched, she obviously wasn't expecting it but seemed to adapt to the concept of our bodies pressed against each other rather quickly. She looked up at me and smiled, and my stomach turned inside out, I left her, what have I done!

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