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Avieara's P.O.V

"Wake up! It's time for you guys to go to school!" My Irish accent came from the kitchen {external link} of our new house.

"You know, it's not fair that you don't get to go to school. You should be miserable like the rest of us," replied Annie.

"Sorry, but I already took my GED, and I skipped college so I could take care of all of you," I smart-mouthed. She and the others winced. Ever since I didn't go to college, the kids have been feeling guilty because they think it's their fault. It's really not, and I try to tell them as much as I can, but they don't believe me.

"Well don't just stand there! Hurry, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get out of the house!" We all chuckled. "But seriously, you're goin' to be late," I heard my accent come out. My Irish accent always does that, especially when I'm at home.

"Okay, okay, we get it," the twins said in unison.

"Then what are you still doing here?" My dad's same Irish accent interrupted.

'Actually, I was wondering what school we're going to attend.' Amaria signed. Since she can't speak, mum and dad thought it would be best if she learned sign language until she started talking again.

"There are two schools I'm considering for you and Annie." They nodded, gesturing him to go on. "Forks High School or a school in La Push."

"Wait, why La Push?" Antoniy asked. "Are we supposed to look out for anything suspicious? I mean there has to be a reason!" He said excitedly.

My dad sighed. "Yes." Amaria and the twins high-fived. Annie just stood there, looking unimpressed. "There have been killings. Yesterday, I saw a couple 'o vampires sucking the blood from hikers a few yards into the woods." He had a grave look on his face. "We must find out what they're after."

"What do you mean?" I asked wearily.

"When they were done with their food, I followed them to a house in the middle of the woods. I had to leave when they almost cornered me."

"So...we're gonna have to keep a close eye on who?" I asked, curiously.

"My sources say that there are werewolves at La Push High School and vampires at Forks High School. You're gonna have to go to one of those schools and make sure there's nothin' funny 'round there," My father's Irish voice came out clearly.

'Okay.' Amaria nodded determinedly.


A/N: Can you guess who's house that was?

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