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A/N: There probably won't be anymore from Josephine's point of view for a while, so prepare for some more info about life in her family and friends' eyes!


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thursday, two days after

I bit my lip as I stapled posters on the school bulletin board and taped some to lockers and walls. I had Harry do the same but it hurt to know that he didn't even show up. I got so angry thinking and lost in my regrets that I hadn't even realized until it happened that I had let out a scream.

It was a scream of pain and sorrow. I couldn't help but think what it would've been like if Josephine had a different brother, one that actually treated her the way any other brother would.

The papers flew out my hand on to the crimson hallway floors with me following. I fell to the floor with my back to the wall and covered my face with my hands.  I knew that others were staring at me but I couldn't get up off the floor.

The sound of boots hitting the ground got close until they reached me and voices whisper to me.


No doubt, it was Liam. It was almost impossible to miss his serene tone.

"Niall, get up please," he said.

I hid even further in my arms and tried to push him away.

"Come on, Niall!"

Zayn had come with him. There was a complete difference between Liam and Zayn. Liam's calm demeanour soothed the pain but Zayn was much more rough. I got it, I really did. I can't yell at him because I did it too when she was around. Collecting anger into a bottle and taking it out on ones we care about.

"Why are your hands bruised?" Liam asked. I simply ignored him.

I felt so much pain but it couldn't have been worse than being mistreated by your family and friends, the people that are supposed to have your back.

sorry this chapter kinda sucked. you learn more about what j's family and friends are doing while she's not there. hope this is satisfactory :) i luv yall, hope you have a great day and remember you are loved and wanted.

stay golden <3

STOCKHOLM ➵ tomlinson Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt