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so, do any of you like alessia cara?

does this title make you think of anything? 😌

I STARTED THE FLASH AND ITS SO GOOD, do you guys watch it?

leave some tv shows recommendations for me here please and thank you!! <3

hope you enjoy this chapter :)

saturday, four days after


Calum and I stay in the kitchen and bond over tv shows, music, and almost anything. It's as if he was the bigger brother I never had. But I did have one. He just wasn't there for me.

"I'm so mad! Why did he die? He was one of the best characters in The Walking Dead!" He exclaimed.

I let out a soft laugh and smile and recall the horrible memory of my favourite character dying. I cringe at the amount of tissues in my memory and the makeup smeared all over my face. I remember watching it with Liam and Zayn, and now an abrupt wave of sadness slams in my heart.

My grin slowly fades away and I begin to miss hanging out with my old close buddies. And then, it hits me; they probably don't miss me. In fact, they're probably content with my disappearance; all of them, all my family and friends. They don't care. They never did.

"Jo? Are you alright?" Calum asks worriedly. My heart tugs at the black-haired boy. Finally, I think. Somebody who is concerned for me.


"Dinner's ready, boys!" the, often mistaken for being Asian but is actually Scottish and Maori, bassist calls out. "Josephine helped me out!"

Immediately, the dining room floods, or well fills, with the hungry boys. I smile at their delight and joy with my food.

"This is delicious," Michael comments. "What is this- I-I mean who made this? Wha-what, I can't even form sentences!"

He shovels more food down his throat and I proudly state that it's a recipe from my grandmother.

"Hmm," Luke mumbles. "Somebody related to you? Has use?"

I gulp and shift uncomfortably in my seat. This is the first thing he's said the entire night; it's hate towards me. I feel my face become red and the boys glare at Luke.

"What he means is," Ashton begins, "you must be very talented as well. It seems you can do many things!"

"If I wanted to say that, I would said that," Luke snaps.

Louis stays silent and watches over Luke like a hawk. Calum just shakes his head, and Mikey looks angry.

We remain silent for another twenty minutes, which I might add seems like a year, and the only noise filling the room is forks against plates.

Luke is the first to get up; he tosses his fork onto the plate and it drops with a loud clang!

Everyone jumps and watches him leave the room without a word. I glance at him quick and see his icy glare still on me. 

Soon, everybody else finishes their dinner and helps with the cleanup.

I start to get up and collect dishes, but Ashton stops me.

"You've done enough," he utters. "Thank you, Josephine." Then a grin tugs at his lips and he bounces away, into the kitchen.

Calum collects the cups and gives me a wink. Then he shouts, "Great job at the meal! Man, you're amazing!" And he floats off to clean dishes.

Only Louis and I remain in the dining room now; the quiet is deafening.

"Sorry about Luke," Louis says, "it won't happen again. I'll make sure of it."

"I get him, you know?" I reply. "Not everyone likes me. In fact, almost nobody I knew back at home liked me. I wouldn't like me either. I can't do much."

A frown rests on my face and he stops wiping the table to grab my hands.
I don't know what fired up this insecurity but it continues coursing in my veins and I can't help but let it envelop me.

"Stop that," the ocean-eyes boy demands. "Ash, Mikey, and Cal like you. Believe in the magic you are. You have the power to move mountains; you're one of the most extraordinary human beings I've ever met. It saddens me to see how you don't see how beautiful, smart, and caring you are. You're so so so exquisite and you are art. You need to see that."

He steps away from the table, and throws the rag into the laundry bin by the kitchen door. I think he is leaving, but then he turns around.

"I like you."

Then he's gone and I go to my room with his words glued to my brain. I flush and I'm pretty sure my entire face is red again. Except now, it's because of what Louis said to me. And my heart flutters.


I wake up to the birds chirping and sunlight streaming into the guest bedroom I sleep in. The walls are painted a nice calming blue, and the floor is a chilly glossed wood.

"Wakey wake--"

Michael sees I'm already awake and stops singing.

"Boy, if you have such a nice voice and pretty face, I would punch you for being so loud," I mumble into my pillow.

A loud laugh bellows into the room and he sits down on the bed.

"Babe, get up!" he nags. "It's like, 12 in the afternoon!"

I groan, but remember I have the freedom to do whatever I want. I am living with Louis Tomlinson and his wild roommates. I don't have to go to uni. I am a free woman!

I pull my head off my pillow and smile at Michael.

"Let's go out!" I cheer. I jump out of bed to brush my teeth quickly in the small bathroom, and then I change and push Mikey out of the room. Surprisingly, there he was; he was still outside my room.

We smile at each other and I clutch onto his hand.

"Come on! The day awaits for the amazing duo to tackle what the day holds for us!" I cry out. I take his arm and pull us out of the hallway, into the main room to the entrance.

"God, shut up!"

I know that's Luke, but not even he can ruin my mood right now. I haven't been this happy in a long time, and I'm about to have fun with a super hilarious and hot guy! I've never been able to say that before. We giggle and leave the house, ready for any action.


HOW WAS THAT! I think this is the longest chapter I've written in such a long time. I'm so sorry! I forget to write but it's such a joy writing and seeing your comments and votes. Some of you left interesting comments in the last couple chapters 👀

Anyways, please vote and comment! I would appreciate that, and it encourages me to write more. I hope to get more active with writing here. Thank you for reading :)


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