An Escape to a New Reality

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When I initially agreed to come with Danny to go camping, I was excited and nervous beyond words. It would be our first trip together. Just us, alone. Not that there was anything wrong with that. I've gone on trips with my friends many times, just not with Danny. Danny was more than just a friend. I have been in love with Danny for more that 3 years and things between us seemed to be better than ever. He became more attentive, more affectionate. Maybe…just maybe my affections will be reciprocated this time.

The 8 hours up to Tuolumne meadows was more fun than when I had went up the last 6 times with my parents. We talked about everything and anything. But mostly about the Hobbit. He had never read the book, so for most of the ride I was informing him the difference between the movie and the book. He would call me a nerd but I didn't care. He always told me he loved how geeky I was. It was like a dream. By the time we had reached our campsite in Tuolumne, we were reminiscing about our other hang outs, and making plans for when I would finally move closer to him in a few months. But just like any dream, one would have to wake up sooner or later. I would have preferred later. Not an hour after we had set up the tent an old Honda Accord pulled up to our campsite. Looking at the car, I noticed three people inside the car. One person I recognized away being Richard, Danny's friend who he had once introduced me to last year. Richard got out of the front passenger side and waved at me as he walked over to Danny. I nodded with a smile.

Ok, what the hell? Weird coincidence. I thought as I watched Danny grab Richards hand and pull him into a hug. I turned to see the other people getting out of the car. The driver was a young mexican guy wearing baggy clothes and reminded me of the cholo wanna-be's I would often see when I was in high school. He popped the tun as he got out of the car. Without looking at me or Danny, he walked over the back and began taking camping gear out. The right back passenger doors opened and my heart stopped. I felt nauseated.

No. Please not her. Anyone but her.

A young African American girl got out of the car with a smile on her face. After adjusting her very tight black top and faded skinny jeans she turned to Danny.

"Hey sexy!" She walked over to him swaying her hips and a predatory look on her face. Danny laughed as he hugged her tight. I watched in shock, as they held each other before Danny led her away from the camp. I felt sick. Why is she here?

"Hey May." I looked to my right and saw Richard looking at me with a smile. I gave a small smile back.

"Hey…" I took a deep breath and turned to him, "how have you been?"

"Been good. You missed the cheesecake I made last week." He said laughing. I laughed. Richard was always baking or cooking something from what Danny tells me.

"Dang! Sorry I missed it. Maybe next time." I laughed as we walked over to the car. I noticed that the driver had already pulled out the some duffle bags from his trunk and was trying to get out the bag that, I assumed, contained their tent. Quickly I helped grab the other end so we could readjust it so the ends wouldn't scrape against the walls of the trunk. Once we managed to take it out, we laid it down next to the tent I brought for me and Danny.

He stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans as he looked up at me. "Thanks. I'm Leo." Slowly I got up and slightly bowed my head. "May. No problem. Anything else you need help taking out?" We both looked at the car and looked around. "No seems like we got everything out. Just need to set up the tent." I nodded and kneeled down to start taking out the tent supplies.

"Where did Danny go?" Richards voice drifted from the car. I looked around. Danny still hasn't come back with her. The pain came back and I could feel a lump form in my throat. So i decided to ignore Richards question. I let out a shaky breath and started setting up the tent. I don't know if Leo and Richard were talking with each other, all I know is that I was putting up the tent alone. It didn't matter to me, I had helped my dad set up our tent so many times, that I had no issues putting in the stakes and getting the poles situated in the tent loops. It wasn't until I tried putting it up, that I realized I needed some help and I was about to call out to Richard when I heard laughing.

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