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The star shined bright tonight. The brisk air and sound of a crackling fire. It reminded me of my camping trips in Tuolumne. I wonder if I close my eyes now, will I find this all to be a dream. Slowly opening my eyes, I frown slightly. I thought back to a few days ago. I thought back to Danny. Wondering if they were worried, if maybe they didn't even notice I was gone. Looking across the fire, Bofur had just finished making the stew and was pouring out servings for everyone. I wasn't sure if it was good, it didn't matter. I was too hungry to care, but content sitting, I waited my turn. Bilbo was frantic about Gandalf being gone so late.

"He's been a long time." Bilbo marched over to Bofur's side. "Who?" I smiled as I watched Bomber eagerly wait for seconds. "Gandalf!" Bilbo exclaimed putting his hands on his hips as he stared out to the distance. "He's a wizard. He does as he chooses." Bofur explained as he filled up two bowls. "Here! Do us a favor?" Handing over the two dishes to Bilbo he nods his head in the direction of Fili and Kili. "Take this to the lads." I bite my lip to hold in a laugh as I watch Bomber make a beeline for the spoon to fill his bowl again. He isn't quick enough the and his hands are batted away by Bofur. "Stop it! You've had plenty."

I laugh again catching Bofur's attention. "Well it's true." I smile at Bofur and slowly get up bringing my empty bowl with me. "You know that you didn't have to wait so long." His voice turning from humor to concern. I nodded slowly. "I know. I just…" The sound of my stomach grumbling made me pause. I winced looking away as I handed over my bowl. When I was given the bowl back, I saw it was filled to the rim. "Eeh? That's too much!" I tired putting some back but Bofur refused to let me.

"The way I see it lass, you're the skinniest person here and need some fattening up. So eat up." I stared at him wide-eyed and confused. I looked down at my body and then at Bofur. I need fattening up? It was weird being told for the first time in my life that I'm too skinny. But I'll take it as a compliment. I bow my head and take my bowl back to my seat on the grass. I begin to pick at it with my spoon, trying to figure out what was in it. Hesitant at first I scooped up some broth and held it up to my nose to sniff. It didn't smell bad. It smelled…meaty? I looked up to see Dwalin, Dori and Bomber watching me. Please stop looking at me. And just like in the hobbit hole, I felt my nerves kick in. I tensed up and found myself looking around for another place to sit. Sadly the only place to go where i wouldn't be watched would be too far from the camp site.

Resorting to closing my eyes, I slowly brought the spoon up to my lips and took a sip. I opened my eyes and licked my lips. Huh. I hadn't had anything like it before. But it was good. So with a shrug, I grabbed another spoonful. As soon as I began to eat, I realized just how hungry I had actually been. The warmth of the food making me smile with glee and the feeling of something in my stomach was comforting. It didn't take long before the stew was gone. Feeling full, I put my bowl down with a sigh as I sat up straight to stretch. The sound of laughter caught my attention. Opening my eyes and looking across from me, I saw Dwalin and Nori smiling. I wiped my mouth subconsciously thinking I had food on my mouth. "Take it you like the food miss." Dori said laughing. I smiled trying to hide the blush that was rising. "Yea. I was kind of hungry." Dwalin was about to speak when his smile faded as he turned his attention to the hill. Fili and Kili were making their way back to camp fast. Neither looked at me, instead their eyes scanned the group for Thorin.

"Some trolls took the ponies and Bilbo has gone to get them back." Thorin growled before walking over to his gear and grabbing his sword. The others follow suit as the hurry down the hill. Not wanting to just sit and do nothing, I jump up and head down with them. As a quick hand grabs my arm, I am nearly thrown back. Looking up at the owner of said hand, I see Kili's intense stare.

"Stay here and watch the camp." I take a step back at the commanding voice. "I'm not going to just stay here-" I can't finish my sentence as Kili pulls my arm and sits me down where I just came from. "Stay here and don't move!" I glare at Kili as he turns to walk away. Quickly I get to my feet and march after him. "Why can't I come? I can help!"Kili swirled around to face me. "You will only cause trouble. Just stay here and watch the camp." My mouth dropped open. Several times, I tried saying something but I was to shocked and angry. Kili rolled his eyes as he turned on his heels. "Just stay." He mumbled something else but I couldn't hear. I hated that one incident made everything a mess. Especially the way Kili acted towards me. I was pissed and I wasn't going to back down so easily. "No! I'm going down. I don't have to listen to you!" Kili paused in his steps and rushed back to me. The angry inside was quickly replaced by fear as I watched the glaring dwarf stomp up to me. But I wasn't going to let him see it.

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