Meet the Company

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Rolling onto my back, I stretched. I let out a yawn and relaxed still keeping my eyes closed. I felt so much better now that I was home in bed. Camping with Danny and that stupid girl, the heartbreak, the random trip to Bag End. It was just a dream. Weird ass dream. Slowly, I sat up and cracked my neck before I looked at round. My eyes widened. This isn't my room.

"Nooo!" I closed my eyes and let my head fall to my chest. I puffed up my cheeks and scratched my head in frustration. "This is a horrible horrible dream. It's like Inception." Hearing muffled voices, male voices, somewhere in the house, my head shot up. "Who...". The door bell ringing helped jog my memory with that question. "They're here!" Quickly I swung my feet off the bed and stood up. Damn still short. I headed to the door when something on the dresser caught my eye.

Laying folded where some folded clothes. Cocking my head slightly I walked over to them and held the top clothing up. It was a white cotton peasant top. I looked towards the door. These weren't here before. Maybe he brought them for me? I looked back at the clothing unsure if I should wear them or not. I didn't want to go out, only to find out that they weren't meant for me. However when I looked down at my current attire, I was probably going to get very weird stares wearing short shorts. Hope that these are pants. I unfolded the brown clothing and low and behold, they were pants. I shrugged and quickly got changed.

The pants were big for me but luckily I wore a belt with my shorts and quickly buckled the belt, holding the pants around my hips. I left my top on under the shirt. I didn't care what they thought, I wasn't going to let anyone see my bra. Quickly putting my hair up in a pony tail and adjust my bangs, I was relieved to find that my hair was still the same orange auburn color I had died it a week ago and the length was still the same. I laughed to myself. I probably looked strange enough for having such a different tan skin and being Asian, so you add the hair color and I must just look silly.

I looked at my shoes and pulled the pants down my hips a bit in efforts to try and hide my high tops but it was no use. They were still to short. With a shrug, I rolled up the bottom of the pant legs a couple times so they would reveal half of my calves and pulled up the collar of the shirt so it wouldn't fall off my shoulder. Looking my self over, I nodded and walked to the door. As I grabbed the door, my hands began to tremble and sweat. Excitement, fear? I wasn't sure. I just tried to shake it off and as quietly as I could, I opened the door.

Slowly I walked down the small hall way. As I turned the corner and I saw Bilbo standing in the middle of the hallway talking to what I assumed was the pantry.

"The thing is…uh… The thing is…I don't know either of you. Not in the slightest." The hobbit's eyes followed a whitish blue blur fly past him landing in the other room across the hall with a squish. I held back a laugh. Blue cheese./p

Even though I couldn't see Balin and Dwalin, I could imagine them pillaging his pantry as Bilbo apologized for his bluntness and the incredulous look as they accepted his apology.

I slowly walked over to Bilbo who looked up and saw me. "Ah. You're up I see. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did. Thank you." Balin and Dwalin looked out from the pantry. I nodded to them when I remembered the clothes and returned my focus to Bilbo. "Oh! And thank you. For the spare clothes." With my hands folded in front of my legs, I bowed at the waist graciously. The hobbit was going to say something when there was another ring on the door. Bilbo turned around, confused and headed towards the door. I took a few steps forward looking at the front door then looking at Dwalin and Balin, gave a small smile and a slight bow of my head.


"And Kili."

"At your service." I walked over to towards Bilbo, straining my neck to try and get a peek of the two nephews of Thorin. "You must be Mr. Boggins!" I smiled as Bilbo denied and tried to close the door on them. The young brown haired dwarf swiftly stopped Bilbo from doing so pushing the door wide open and with concern on his face asked if it had been canceled. "No one told us." Fili stated looking at his brother then back at Bilbo.

An Escape to a New Reality (A Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now