Chapter 27

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She hid up in a tree and stared out at his house. All the shipwrights were guarding the inside and outside. She closed her eyes and her vision drifted above into the wind. Her vision went into the house and she looked around.

"It's a good thing he gave me a layout of his house." She mumbled to herself. Soon, she seen into a room that Paulie was in. He was opening a safe. Kairi's hearing tuned in to Blueno's voice, South to where she was located. She heard him answer a Transponder Snail which had Kalifa on the line. A second later, an explosion went off at one of the entrances. Kairi's hearing tuned out and she looked at the fake blueprints that Paulie pulled out of the safe.

Just as he pulled it out, two men wearing costumes walked in. She couldn't hear what they were saying but she continued watching. They had a conversation with Paulie and Kairi growled in frustration. Kairi watched as the used Finger Pistol on Paulie several times leaving holes in some parts of his body. He fell to his knees, bloodied and battered. He fell to the ground and Kairi stood up in the tree she was in. One of the masked men opened up the blueprints. She read Paulie's lips as he told them that the blueprints were fake.

Just as they were about to kill him, Luffy flew into the wall and got stuck, his head and the upper part of his body were in the room. His arms were pinned by his side. They talked for a minute before one of the masked men sent a Tempest Kick at Luffy which Luffy dodged. They pinned Luffy and Paulie to the ground with golden things. They left the room and Paulie and Luffy talked for a minute before they started screaming. Kairi switched air spaces and she landed in the room as her vision went back to her body.

"Sheesh. Stop screaming." Kairi said.

"Are you with those guys too?!" Paulie angrily yelled and she sighed.

"Nope. Actually, my mission was to keep an eye on them." She replied as she walked over to Paulie. She stood over him and he looked up into her eyes.

"Who are you then?!" Luffy yelled.

"Well, I guess you can call me a ninja. Sorry, I can't tell you who I actually am." She replied as she grabbed the gold thing pinning down one of Paulie's wrist. She ripped it up out of the ground. "I'll get you guys out."

"Wait a second, that voice sounds familiar. Your eyes look familiar too. Ka-" Kairi slapped her hand over his mouth and glared.

"Be quiet." She snapped as she pulled out the one that was holding his neck and his waist. She pulled all of them out and did the same with Luffy. "You two might want to hurry. Ice-"

"So cool! An actual ninja!!" Luffy exclaimed and Kairi sweat dropped.

"Go help Iceburg! I have some business I need to attend to." Kairi said jumping out of the window. She took off towards Tom's Workers warehouse underneath the bridge. Once she reached it, she switched air spaces to where she was inside.

"Who in the hell are you and why are you here?!" Franky shouted and Kairi looked over to see the Going Merry and Usopp.

"I came here to warn you, but why is Usopp here?" Kairi asked.

"Wait a minute, I know that voice. Kairi, is that you?" Franky asked and she growled.

"Wya to blow my cover." She replied pulling down her hood and pulling her hair out into the open. She then pulled down her mask. "You have a loud mouth. Now, would you like to tell me why Usopp is here?"

"I'm using him as a hostage to attract Straw Hat."

"Franky, that wasn't the best thing to say." Usopp said wide eyed.


"Kairi is Luffy's sister!" Franky's eyes widened.

"What?!" She began approaching him with an evil look in her eyes.

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