here are some tips and advice that I learned from experiences!
tampons are basically just something you insert inside to absorb the blood. to insert them, squat or stand on one leg (yoga hahaha). once they're inside and they start absorbing, they open up.
personally, I don't use tampons because it hurts to put them in & it's dangerous for two reasons :1-they should stay in for about 5-6 hours. if you keep them in for too long, you might get a toxic syndrome that can cause death. yup, a girl died from it!
2-okay, so this might sound weird, but a tampon can take your virginity. that's pretty rare but I happens. I don't wanna get in details about that, but you could look it up if you want.
I use pads all the time, just because they don't hurt and they're comfortable once you're used to them. I heard that the pads brand 'always' can cause diseases, so I don't use it.
to use pads, you'll just have to take off the stickers on the bottom of it and stick it on your underwear. some of them have wings, some of them don't. I recommend using wings, just because it helps keep it in its place and the blood won't go in your pants.
to know when to change the pad, everytime you go to the bathroom, check if it's full of blood. if it is, change it. if not, wait till it gets full.
tip: if your flow is heavy, put two pads in your underwear ; one in the front of it and one from the bottom of the first one to the end of the underwear.
I don't recommend showering for the first two days when your period starts. I personally use a period tracker app, so I shower the day before I get it.
on the third day, it's completely normal to shower. just prepare the pad in your underwear and put it near the shower so as soon as you get out, just put your underwear on. if you use tampons, prepare the tampon near the shower.
you can't swim unless you have a tampon in. if you use a pad, the blood will flow in the water.
if your period starts at school, that must suck. make sure that you have a few pads/tampons in your backpack & locker, because even if you're not on your period right now, you will need it at some point.
your stomach will probably hurt while you're on your period, so make sure you have a little bottle of pain killers at all times. I use Advil, it's helpful to ease the pain. don't ask a friend for a pill, unless you really trust that friend. you never know, drugs can be in there.
you can also put a hot towel on your forehead, or a water bottle on your stomach. laying on the floor also helps.
that's all I have for this tip,don't forget to:
a girl's guide book
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