Abandoned [TWO]

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Mezie sighed, shaking her head as she watched her what-could've-been crush. Turning on her heels, the brunette opened the door to the pizzeria and narrowed her eyes as some children were finally leaving.

Eyes flying over the animatronics and children begging their parents to stay a little bit longer! Chuckling softly, she remembered distant memories of this child-friendly place.

Using the back of her hand to wipe the tears out of her eyes. It was quite upsetting to see her favorite place as a child now in such ruins, being torn apart by greedy children. Balling her fists, anger boiled inside of the girl.

Marching over towards the now closed down Pirates Cove, she went to glance at her favorite animatronic. She brought her hand to her mouth in disgust. There were two preteens kicking and teasing the robotic animal.

"Hey, you bloody rascals, get your asses off that animatronic NOw...!" Mezie screeched, eyes full of hatred. The child's just turned around and shrugged, continuing to beat on the decommissioned attraction.

Mezie felt a feeling as if she were taking each hit herself. Foam would've been trailing from her mouth as she grabbed one kid by the shoulders and sent him spinning off towards the wall. The other one ran towards her friend and helped him up, and they both ran off rather swiftly.

Mez inspected the animatronic, being very cautious, so she wouldn't mess him up anymore than he had already been. Suddenly doing something she thought she would regret, and checked her back pocket for a sewing kit. Yes! She had it on her. Always carry around a spare kit! She remembered her own words.

Searching for small tears and such, she switched it back together, smiling softly. Carefully and neatly switching each seam together, she had used the color closest to the fox's red-brown fur.

Proud of her work, she stepped back, but got a creepy feeling as if she were being watched. She checked a clock on the wall near the fox. 11:59 PM Her eyes widened and she gave the animatronic a soft pat on the shoulder, and she scrambled quickly towards what would be her office, and went in, throwing herself into her swivel seat.

Spinning around playfully until twelve, Mezie had quite a time with herself before hearing a ringing sound from the phone.

'Hello? Helloooooo? Umm, welcome to your new job. If you're here, you've made a terrible job choice, and trust me, I would know. This week is my last week; I've been working this job for five years. You can call me stupid or very smart; it depends.

So, uh, now I have to read this 'Agreement Policy' thingy here...
"Freddy Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for any injuries of loss of lives at all by agreeing to this. Now remember, these animatronics have a special place in the hearts of the children, so try and show a little respect"

Yeah... Umm, yeah. The animatronics tend to wander a bit, actually, a lot. But do I blame them? No! If I had to sing those same stupid songs for over fifty years and never had a bath? I'd be irritable at night,too! Anyway, they see you as a naked endoskeleton out of its suit, and think you'll scare the kids. So they stuff you into a spare Freddy suit, and normally that wouldn't be bad... But... The suits have pointy bars and wires in them, especially in the head, so that can cause a good amount of damage..

So check your cameras for any movement, and occasionally check your doorlights as well, but don't close the doors unless absolutely nessicary, because this place is as cheap as shit, so yes. Anyway, have a good time!'

A click sounded to inform Mez that the message was over. Narrowing her eyes, the girl sighed, flipping through the different cameras. She thought about the phone guy's words with a large frown. He sounded serious... She started getting a weird feeling in her stomach, and she wished Mike was by her side.

Pulling her iPhone out of her pocket, she dialed Mike's number, eyes darting around. She listened anxiously as it rung, tapping her fingers on the desk in front of her.

"Hey, this is Mike, leave a message!" The voice sounded so happy, and Mezie narrowed her eyes, leaving a message.

"Hey Mike, ugh, I need your help. Im... I'm.. Scared..." She stuttered over her words, remembering what he said earlier.

Looking up at the clock, it read 1:00 AM. Closing her eyes with a rather heavy sigh, the girl looked at her phone again before checking the cameras.

Holy crap! Bonnie's gone! And so is Freddy! WTF! She thought, eyes widened as she desperately searched for the two missing animatronics.

Eventually she found Chica in the kitchen, or at least, heard her, but then she couldn't find Freddy. She suddenly heard a friendly but terrifying jingle outside her left door. She saw glowing eyes and prepared herself to scream, tears in her eyes.

That's when she heard a loud yell, drawing Freddy's attention away. Mez took the chance to run out of the office, panting as she skidded to a stop in the kitchen, and Chica was right in front of her. Screaming, Mez turned around and ran the other way, feet sliding across the slippery wet tile.

Falling onto her knees, Mez realized why the floor was slippery. It was blood. She saw a form on the ground, leg bloodied and torn open. "Mike!" Mez screamed, getting up and scrambling over to her friend\crush.

His breathing seemed fine, but it was clear he was in strong pain. Pulling Mike back into the office, she closed both doors swiftly, panting. She didn't know an unconscious person could be so heavy.

"M-M-Mike...?" She said, breathing quietly. A pained groan erupted softly from the beaten guy. "Me-Mez?" He didn't put any effort into trying to complete her name.

"I g..." He took a deep breath, sitting up, wincing. "I got your message and I had to help you... I saw Freddy coming after you and yelled at the top of my lungs. He came after me, and I fell. He got a hold of my damaged leg and here we are." Mike motioned to his leg.

"I should've never called..." Mezie looked away guiltily, clearly disappointed and miserable about her choice to bring Mike into this hell yet again.

"Hey- hey! Don't talk like that, Mez. I'm glad you called.. It was the right thing to do." He winced again between each sentence, sweat running down his face.

"You warned me and I didn't listen, and that darn phone guy lies all the time!" She exclaimed quietly, blood boiling. Her pale face felt a rush of red, flustered. In the heat of the moment, she wrapped her arms around him, tears going down her face.

He awkwardly put his arms around her. Before his eyes went very wide. "What time is it and how much power do we have left!?" He blurted out, panting. Mezie pulled out of the hug sheepishly and blushed, checking the power.

The was when everything went dark and a familar jingle could be heard.

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