Temper [EIGHT]

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Mezie shrugged, eyes traveling up to the clock on the wall, absently ticking. "It's already 7:30 AM. We need to get outta here and get my Mike fixed, because he looks like he's dead on his feet.." Mezie said.

Mike glared at her, clenching his fists. "Because I obviously always have to save you everytime! If anything, Mezie, this is your fault!" Mike yelled, crossing his arms defiantly.

Mezie looked at him, her eyes tracing the many open, bleeding wounds all over Mike's body. There were painfully visible tears and rips in his clothing, and he had so many bruises that it hurt just to look at him.

"Look, Mike, I'm sorry.. I just..." She looked away, not even being able to bear the truth. The truth that all this was her fault, not Mike's, or Red's, or even Foxy's. It was all her.

Tears filled her eyes as she clenched her own fists. "At least I can fight! If you had any experience, you wouldn't be a weak excuse of a night guard!" She spat. She saw the hurt flash in his gaze, taken aback.

"At least I don't cause everyone I love to be killed!" He yelled. Mezie held back a sob, tears in her eyes, even more than before. "I'm taking you to the hospital and then-" She began, swallowing back her emotions.

"Don't even bother. I'll find my own way. I don't need you and your horrible excuse of driving." Mike spat, turning away. Mezie stood there, looking at Red, who was glaring at Mike.

"Mike, I'm sorry.. This is my fault.." Mezie said, looking at her feet coldly. She didn't even want to look at Mike anymore. No matter how many times that he had saved her, she couldn't just let this fight slip-up.

"You're right, it is!" Mike yelled, turning around on his heels and stomping off. That was when Red grabbed his elbow, causing him to wince, and she pinched it. He yelped and rushed off, leaving Red to look at Mezie sympathetically.

Mezie let the tears fall. "Come on, Red, let's go..." She said, sniffling. She suddenly turned to Red. "How did you know?" Mez asked.

"Well, there were rumors of you hanging out with the former night guard, and they were calling you foul language, so I went to investigate, and I saw you beating the tar outta them robots, so I decided to help." Red shrugged.

Mezie gasped, eyes widened. "What?" She said. "Yeah. They were calling you a skank, a cheater, a skinny little b-" she paused when Mezie held up hand silently.

"I get it, Red. They think I have a good time with every guy I meet, point taken. Offense taken, also, but I don't give a f×××." Mezie said, thinking of Mike's harsh words.

She turned around, eyes blazing. She walked away coldly, eyes twitching. "Mez, y'know I don't think any of those things.." Red said, following her.

She turned the doorknob, eyes scraping over the place one more time, taking in all the creepy decorations and absurd children's drawings for what she thought was the last time. Opening the door, she stumbled into the daylight, the bright sun burning her eyes. Her bloodied clothing reeked, and she looked like crud.

She saw someone stumbling toward the street, and quickly recognized Mike. She could tell by the way the figure was limping, and tripping over himself, and the way his form was broken and beaten.

Wiping her now flowing tears off her cheeks with the back of her hand, sniffling, as she cast Red a sideways glance. Mezie was sure that someone probably was calling an ambulance.

When she got closer, she stopped in her tracks. Mike didn't even notice her, and she wanted to talk to him. She took a deep breath, and tapped him on the shoulder.

He whipped around, his normally cold hazel-nut brown eyes filled with emotion as he narrowed his eyes at her. "What do you want?" He hissed, stopping walking in general.

Mezie just threw her arms around him, and whispered something in his ears. "I'm going back." Before she turned away, leaving him to stand there.

She walked away, but then stopped. He kept looking at her. She turned back toward him, and snatched his bruised hand gently, and dragged him to Red's truck.

"What're doing?!" Mike yelped. She opened the door and jumped in, pulling Mike in with her, slamming the door shut. "Now you have to deal with me!" She smiled softly. He crossed his arms, looking away, scoffing.

Red hopped in the front, sticking the key in the ignition, turning it swiftly. She backed out of the parking lot, flooring it outta there and drove all the way to the hospital, honking at everyone and flicking her middle finger at them.

Mezie looked at Mike, who still wasn't speaking. She kept staring at the stitches along his cheeks, but found herself just staring at his face in general. How cute he looked, without the wounds, of course.

"At least I'm not driving, Mikey~" Mezie winked, using the nickname she had wanted to use for awhile.

He raised an eyebrow at her, softening up. "Mikey?" He growled.

"Yes, I like that nick-name!" Mezie smiled softly. "Making up nicknames while I am slowly bleeding into these seats. Those stupid animatronics are killing me. Literally." He grunted.

"Very good pun." Red said from the front seat, proceeding to honk at a crazy driver. "Eff you, you stupid little -" Red yelled.

When they pulled into the hospital, Mezie noticed Mike looked a little... still. Mezie tapped him on the shoulder, and he failed to respond. She started shaking him. "Mikey? Mike? Mike? MIKE?!" Mezie yelled.

That was when she noticed he had been a little quiet at the car ride. "Red, help me carry him in!" Mezie yelled, tears in her eyes.
Red stopped the truck into the parking lot with a screeeeeeech. Mezie jumped out, opening the truck on Mike's side and pulling him out.

Red held Mike's legs while Mezie got his shoulders. They carried him into the hospital, and they nurses immediately wheeled him away.

The nurses that werent freaking over Mike, were crowded around Mezie. They demanded her sit on a stretcher. Giving in, she did so, and they took off the old, bloodied bandages, replacing them with fresh new ones and disinfecting treatment.

Once bandaged up and given an ice pack, she had to roll around in a wheel chair. The nurses checked Red, and she had a minor concussion. She waved it off, chuckling, claiming she was fine.

That was until she passed out. Mezie couldn't help but laugh. Holding her head in her hands, she sighed heavily.

Her phone began buzzing, which she didn't even notice she had grabbed. Answering it swiftly, she didn't even bother look at the number.

"Mezie Trent speaking." She said formally, but her voice was raspy. "Miss Trent, I'm going to kill you!" A familiar voice yelled through the phone, "Wha-" "you know exactly what I'm talking about. You and Mr. Smhidt tore apart the animatronics..!" Her boss screeched. "Sir, I know I sound crazy, but they tried to kill us! We had no choice! It's honestly not our fault!" Mezie objected. "Well," a sigh could be heard from the other side of the phone. "You and Mr. Smhidt will have to work awhile to pay back the cost to repair the animatronics-" he said, letting it sink in. "NO! Let me work it off. Mike didn't do it. I did." Mezie said. "Alrighty then. See you tomorrow.." He sighed and hung up. Mezie stared at her phone and let it all sink in.

She wasn't done yet.

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