Get Outta Dodge [TWELVE]

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His laughter rang in Mezie's ears. It wasn't cheerful or joyful laughter; it wasa rusty, mechanical sound, but it suddenly became softer.

"Let me go, you son of a sala-" A golden, metal hand clamped over the woman's mouth, and a surprisingly smooth chuckle was to be heard.

"Now, now, Mezie, don't you be a potty mouth, now, little girl." The voice rang out smoothly. Nevertheless, Mezie continued struggling desperately.

She felt each step the animatronic took, and she could tell that each step was taking her closer to her demise. Struggling even more violently, the animatronic's grip just tightened.

Her eyes traced the pictures along the wall, and they sickened her. Demented little children's pictures that just made the place creepy, lined the walls almost nonstop. It made Mezie's blood both boil and run cold at the same time.

Suddenly, she heard a grunt and the tightening grip around her waist ceased a split second as the animatronic struggled to open the door and keep Mezie in his grasp.

Mezie threw herself out of the robot's grasp desperately, scrambling back to her feet and running off with all her might. Her lungs began to burn violently, and she was sliding across the table.

She stopped in front of a tall, looming figure. It had no eyes, one shattered and one never there to begin with. She gasped, immediately recognizing Foxy. He had this look of pure hatred in his broken eye, and it was glowing brighter than ever.

"F-F-oxy?!" Mezie yelled. He picked her up by the collar, and held her up to his face. The reeking scent of his filled her nostrils and she spat right in his face.

Enraged, he prepared to gouge her eyes out with his hook, but someone's voice stopped him.

"Foxy, no! You wouldn't want me to have to tell Golden Freddy that you interfered with our plans, now, would you?" The original golden animatronic hissed.

"Springtrap, I'm not amused with ye tactics to get me to let this lass be free.. Me honestly don't care anymore." Foxy hissed, his voice box glitching several times.

Springtrap, Mezie had recently learned his alias (name), narrowed his eye, since he unfortunately only had one. "Tsk, tsk, YOU stupid little fox, you don't understand our tactics, do you?" The green-gold bunny animatronic hissed.

"No, and nor will I ever, scrap bag." Foxy screeched, dropping her on her hind. She yelped quietly, standing up and scrambling off.

"Look what you did, Child-Attacker!" SpringTrap yelled, motioning to Mezie who had got the fuck outta dodge. Foxy chuckled. "I ruined you plan, whatcha gonna do, jer-" Springtrap tackled Foxy, hissing.

That was when a bright yellow feathered paw landed on her shoulder. It was Chica, and she had this look in her eyes. "Follow me, I can help!" She whispered rustily.

"I don't know.." Mezie gasped, backing away. "Either me, or those two morons." Chica motioned to them. "Follow me. Follow me, Mez!" Chica insisted firmly.

Sigging in utter defeat, Mezie followed the animatronic chicken. That was when something hit her with a metal rod. Mezie screamed for her life.

She hit the ground hard, and looked up. Chica was giggling hysterically. Bonnie stepped on her left leg, chuckling darkly.

"Don't you worry, Deary, I'm going to ruin your face like you did mine!" Bonnie laughed mechanically.

Mezie struggled desperately beneath the robotic bunny's deadly grip. Her struggles were to no avail, however, and she knew that very well.

Mike threw his phone across the room, and the screen gave a sickening crack! "Red!" He yelled, eyes widened, concern clearly in his ice blue eyes.

"Red, Mezie's in trouble! They've gotta hand on her!" He yelled, beginning to tear the IVs out of his arms one by one, and he sat straight up, dragging himself out of the bed viciously.

Red didn't try to stop him, heck, she even helped Mike get ready to beat the crud outta some animatronics. She handed him his hat and left the room.

A few seconds later, the hospital patient walked out of his room with full Fazbear Security guard uniform on. "We need to help her," he stated the obvious.

Red nodded quietly, not adding her usually smart-butt remark. "Mez needs our help!" She mumbled, running out of the hospital before Mike even could reach the doors, at his disturbing limp of a speed.

Red threw open her truck door on the passenger side for Mike. He painfully pulled himself in, slamming it with all of his force

Red literally floored it, honking threateningly at drivers passing by, and Mike practically had his middle finger up at everyone he passed, obviously pissed.

"Darn you, you little weirdo! This red head is trying to drive! At least she knows how, you little idi-" Mike was in the middle of yelling when Red gave him a disapproving gave for a second and then smirked darkly. "I'd add in a little more insults to get the point across the that teen that almost smashed into my side." She grinned, trying to brighten the mood. It almost worked; key word; almost.

Red swerved lopsidedly into the parking lock, almost hitting Mike's own pitch black pick-up truck. He glared at her angrily before literally launching himself from the vehicle.

Hissing with noticeable pain, he landed on the wrong leg. Sighing, he limped desperately toward the double glass doors that led into the hell of a place to work.

Red skidded behind him, opening the doors , or at least one of them , and slowly walked in.

"Mezid! Mez! Doll!" He called, suddenly realizing he called her doll, aloud. Sighing, he continued calling her name. He walked/limped around, wincing, but searching for the brunette.

When he walked into the parts and service room, a gruesome scene met him; a scene that would never leave his brain ever again.

The scent of blood was so strong. All Mike could do was stand there and stare, mind completely blank. Red came up behind him and did something she had never done before; she screamed in horror.

"Oh my God..." Was all Mike could manage to mutter.

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