Nerve [TEN]

16 1 6

"You let her what?!" Mike rasped hoarsely, eyes narrowed. He looked like he was going to yank out his IVs right then and there.

"Mike- look, I know you're gonna hate me for this, but I promised her I'd keep your butt in the hospital!" Red argued angrily, obviously angry with Mike.

Mike shook his head, which he earned himself a hiss of pain, having turned his neck the wrong way. "Well I'm going to make sure you fail at that job!" Mike yelled hoarsely.

"You've got a lot of nerve, Mike, but keep this fact in mind," Red leaned over and got in his face. "you are staying in this hospital, like it or not, so just stop trying to make me feel bad for letting her go. It's her life, Mike, not yours. She won't make the same mistake you did.." Red leaned back to her normal position, motioning rather coldly to his head and then to his leg.

Mike looked away rather quickly, anger flaming inside of him. He wished that he wasn't in a stupid hospital bed, and that he was beside Mezie, checking the tablet, or yelling insane cuss words at the animatronics.
Meanwhile, Mezie was checking the tablet constantly, and then the Phone Guy, as she now called him, message came on. Slapping her delicate fingers onto the silver mute button, she sighed, leaning back in her swivel seat.

Suddenly she got the urge to check the left door lights. Doing so, she saw two glowing red eyes. Recognizing the now faceless Bonnie, the brunette smirked.

She slammed her hand on the close door button just as the animatronic began to move. She heard a robotic clicking sounded behind her.

Turning around, her ice blue eyes ready for anything, she saw nothing behind her. Narrowing her eyes, she turned around again, checking the lights. Bonnie had left. She smiled, and tapped the door button again, watching it rise.

She heard heavy breathing over her shoulder, and whipped around, fists up to defend herself. "Who- eh...?" She paused, mid-sentence and sighed, face palming. Nothing was there. Again.

"I'm going insane!" Mezie muttered, running her fingers through her hair. The sound kept going on and on, and it was truly sickening. It was like a ghost..

She perked up, again, turning around with an agitated sigh. This time, however, she was caught by surprise. Something yellow flashed in her gaze, and suddenly, she had three long claw marks down her right arm.

Hissing with pain, she held her hand to her arm wounds, sweat rolling down her face. She reached for the tablet, blood gushing freely from her other arm, coating her good hand in fresh blood.

Her fingers brushed the screen of the tablet, leaving scarlet fingerprints smeared. Hissing even more, tears grew in the corners of her eyes.

That was when someone appeared in the doorway, and gave a screech. Mezie turned to face them, and that someone was Freddy. "Ello, young lady." He said smoothly, as if she weren't bleeding.

"You look like you're busy, shall I come back later?" Freddy smiled menacingly. Mezie ran to the door as fast as humanly possible. She slammed her good hand onto the door button, but it didn't close. She kept smacking the button repetitively, eyes widened.

"Are you having a good time?" His voice box glitches several times, and Mezie backed away. "No..- no! NO! No! No! NO! " Mezie yelled.

"You are hands down the most disturbing moving thing on this planet!" Mezie yelled, seeing her crowbar leaning against the door.

Freddy chuckled a robotic laugh. Mezie narrowed her eyes even more. "Get the fuck outta my face before I personally shove this crowbar u-" in a flash, the Freddy was gone.

And Mezie was left standing alone in the office, arm bleeding heavily, stuck in mid sentence. She hit the close door button and it closed smoothly. She slid down, back against the wall, sliding all the way to the ground. She wrapped her arms around her knees.

Blood seeped into her clothing as she stared at her burning, bleeding arm with curiosity in her ice blue eyes. What caused this? What did I ever do to get this job? What did Mike or Red ever do to deserve this pain that I caused singlehandedly? Thought rushed around her head.

The excruciating pain in her arm was becoming unbearable, but she had to deal with it, shifting through the cameras with one arm, she sighed, eyes fluttering open and closed. Sleep pulled at her violently, and she felt salty tears going down her face.

She saw Bonnie a couple more times, but quickly responded, but the pain was clearly visible, and you could even hear it in her shaky breathing.

She shifted through the supplies on the desk, looking for medical bandages. She couldn't find any, and hissed angrily. The claw marks were truly horrible. It looked like it was created and sliced from a knife straight from the depths of hell, and you could tell it hurt like hell, too.

She just kept thinking about one person. That single person refused to leave her conscience. As the night lingered on, her eyes got lower and lower until she was practically asleep on her feet.

She pulled herself up, hissing loudly with pain. That was when she saw a figure in the doorway. Very unamused, she closed the door swiftly. Her arm stung like hell.

Checking the clock, she gave a long sigh, eyes straining to read the hands. It was 3:00 AM. This was nowhere near over, and she knew it.

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