Stitches [SEVEN]

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Yelling, Mezie ran toward the Marionette, eyes ablaze. Red went around, hitting the Marionette with her crowbar on the back of the head, making a grunt like an irritated female tennis player.

He yelled in frustration, picking Mezie up with his powers and slamming her against a wall, his grip tightening around her throat. She gasped for air, her eyes straining to see as her vision begun failed.

But then Red came running up behind the Marionette, screeching, hitting the creature upside the head with Mezie's sharpened ax. His force on Mezie broke and she crumpled to the ground exhaustedly.

"I could be stupid, I could be fake! I could be senseless, I could be ugly, just like you!" Mezie yelled, pulling herself to her feet and yelling a war cry when The Marionette turned to attack Red. His eyes quickly averted over to Mezie as the hateful, spitful words processed in his systems.

"You disrespectful little bi-" he was cut off buy Mezie shoving the crowbar in his mouth. He quickly pulled it out and threw her aside.

That was when Red came up behind him and kicking him in the ass. He whipped around, hissing with pain. She had a long array of teasing laughter.

Mezie then tackled him, but instantly regretted it. The Marionette pinned her, unfairly using his powers to hold her down. She squirmed beneath his grip. He turned and faced Red. She kneed him with it mattered most and he yelled, and she grabbed Mezie, dragging her away to semi-safety.

Red said a few words that her mama wouldn't approve of and had a stand off with the Marionette. She had a crowbar and was leaning against it with all her weight, while the Marrionette was doing the same with a steel bar.

Mezie watched in horror as the Marionette twisted Red's arm and hit her in the face with the steel bar. Mezie got to her feet, snatching up her ax, running up behind the puppet and hitting him in the back of the head with it, causing him to suddenly disappear.

Thinking he was gone, Mezie reached out her hand to help Red up, and Red gasped, shoving Mezie down, so when the creature behind her swooped, it only damaged air and not the back of Mezie's skull.

"Thanks.." Mezie panted, sweat rolling down her forehead. Red nodded before kicking the Marionette in the shin and knocking him down. "You wanna appear and disappear behind us, eh!?" She yelled in his face, spitting on him and stepping on his chest. She pressed her boot down, harder and harder. He began squirming around uncomfortably.

That was something tackled Red off of the Marionette. Freddy Fazbear himself was towering over the red head, a demonic look plastered on his always smiling face of terror.

"Hey, you, off of the red head!" Mezie pointed at Freddy, hitting him with all her strength with the now dull ax. "You. Think. A. Little. Girl. Will. Scare. Me?" His static robotic voice fuzzily croaked.

"Anything would scare a coward like you!" She yelled, spitting in his face defiantly. He raised a mechanical eyebrow, before grabbing her by the throat. Red was busy battling the Marionette and didn't realize Mezie was being murdered slowly and painfully.

Her life was draining from her like it had been earlier. When Mike and that traitor had "saved" her. Now she was in that position, and Mike was dead, and that "savior" was an evil murderer that was really out for her blood himself. And Red was busy, way too busy, and it was out of control. Tears cascaded down her face rather swiftly.

That was when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. And suddenly someone jumped onto Freddy's back. It was Red. She caused Freddy to drop Mezie's weakened body. That was when Red ripped some wires out of Freddy, but he threw her off and placed his foot on Mezie's chest. He was about to crush her when someone yelled a sentence.

"Get the fuck off my Mezie before I tear your robotic face off!" A familiar voice rasped a yell. Mezie's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Mike standing there, an ax in hand.

Blood was all over his face and his eyes were empty, souless completely white circles. They were obviously rolled back into his head. He looked terrifying, and moved like a zombie.

Freddy did a double-take, staring wide-eyed at Mike. If somebody looked truly like they were a zombie, Mike would singlehandedly win immediately.

Blood ran down his cheeks, and chin, cascading down his pale skin, leaving red in its wake. He twitched rapidly, his head going at awkward angles. It seemed like he was just a bloody monster, creeping toward his victim, who was Freddy Fazbear himself.

Mezie squirmed in Freddy's grip, choking. Blood erupted from her mouth as she hacked and coughed. Her eyes rolled back into her own head as Freddy dropped her on the ground carelessly.

Mike narrowed his eyes, teeth clenched, which were red-stained. "Touch her one more time, you shitty metal scrap bag, and see what the fuck happens!" Mike yelled, cursing like a sailor.

Freddy narrowed his eyes, and a large growl-like sound erupted from his sound box, which was buried deep inside his metal, rusty chest. He screeched angrily, running towards Mike at full speed.

Mike hit him with the ax as he passed, and he tore a giant hole straight through Freddy's neck, tearing out all his vital wires. The bear yelled, a freaky sound, and malifunctioned. Sparks erupted from the gaping wound.

Mike then blindly stumbled over toward Mezie, pulling her into his arms. He then pressed his lips to hers. The metallic taste of fresh and dried blood filled her mouth. She pressed back, melting into the kiss. She put her palms on his cheeks, and felt the wiry stitches the Marionette had dug into his cheeks.

"Mike, promise me you'll never leave again.." Mezie whispered in his ear, before watching him nod. She pressed her forehead against his, eyes shut tightly. Tears cascaded down her face in multiple strands.

Mike whispered his response. "I promise.." He assured her, before pressed her to the ground, kissing her on the lips again, for a minute or so, before he released.

"Good, or I'll die." Mezie said, running her fingers along the stitches, anger in her eyes. "He did this to you..." She whispered angrily.

"But I'm still here, Mezie, and I still have you..." He added quietly. "You're right... You're right..." Mezie kissed his forehead once more before standing up, holding her hand out for him. He took it and she pulled him up. She smiled at him, and Red walked up.

"What now?" Red asked.

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