Death is Inevitable [SIX]

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Eyes moving around beneath her eyelids, she pulled one eye open. Looking around, everything was so blurry. She struggled to lift her arm, to jut barey pull it into her vision, which made it just an incoherent blurry blob of color.

Slowly pulling herself to her knees, she narrowed her eyes. Everything was so sore, as if she had been hit by a car. Her vision finally focused itself, causing her to blink a few times, eyes straining still to focus even more. She saw a beaten figure on the ground.

Crawling over to him, she realized immediately who it was. Mike. Eyes widened with fear of losing him, she checked his pulse. She flipped him onto his back. She almost screamed in horror, but her throat and mouth were way too dry to even make a squeak. All that came out was a dry rasp.

Blood was free flowing from his eyes sockets, nose, ears, and mouth. He had a smile stitched into his face. "MIKE!" She rasped. She clenched her fists, eye twitching.

She looked at him one more time before looking away guiltily. She started laughing, eyes bloodshot. "Everything will destroyed. Everything will die. Everything! EVERYTHING!" She whispered. Tears cascaded down her face as she stood up.

"Ah, I've seen you are waking, Mezie Trent. It's about time." A cold voice rang out, echoing in her eyes. Mezie whipped around, eyes flaming. "You killed him, you monster!" She growled.

The marionette laughed loudly, his eyes flashing angrily. "I'm not a monster, I correct you, I'm a marrionette. Learn the difference, child." He laughed. "And I'm so much more smarter. Guys, teach this mongrel a lesson!"

Chica and Bonnie stepped from the shadows. Mezie clenched her fists, eyes flaming even more. Her eye twitched. She turned and ran for her life. She saw a fire escape box. Elbowing the glass violently, it shattered and she grabbed the ax in there.

Holding it she saw Bonnie coming behind her, and Chica coming straight towards her. Mezie's eyes started glowing, she narrowed her eyes.

Letting out the world's most violent scream, her voice returning, she threw the ax at Bonnie. It took his right arm off. Rolling in between his legs, she grabbed it again, hissing.

She stood up, straightening her back with a wicked grin. She stared directly into the bunny's soulless eyes. Memory's of Mike's small smile flashed her vision. She felt weak, her legs trembling as she thought of him miserably.

Tears went down her face. "This will never end, you trash!" She yelled. She ran straight toward Bonnie, swinging the ax with all her might. It dug deep into his face. Sparks flew, and he made a robotic screeching sound that mixed with Mezie's insane laughter.

The robotic bunny collapsed as Mezie landed on her feet, laughing. Chica charged at her, eyes flaming. Mezie chopped both of the chicken's arms off with large effort. The chicken made a yelp, charging at her.

Mezie dodged, chopping Chica's beak off in the process. The chicken malfunctioned and broke, collapsing as well. Mezie panted, on one knee and one hand. Pulling herself up, she brushed herself off.

Looking at the Marionette, who had a curious look etched on his plastic face. "You may have powers, but you can't kill me, not anymore." She laughed. He raised an eyebrow, chuckling, which was truly a terrifying sound. It sent chills down her spine.

"Listen, Mezie, you are going fail. Besides, Mike failed. Oh wait," he put his hand over his mouth in a disturbing cackle. "You don't know what happened to him?" The Marrionette laughed mischeviously.

Suddenly, images flashed into Mezie's head. Images that would be permanently burned into her memory.

Mike watched in horror as Mezie, his Mezie, was knocked out cold. Narrowing his eyes, he yelled. He threw himself at the Marionette. The puppet had dodged him, shoving him into a wall. He winced, and when he looked up, he saw the Marionette's smile. He was thrown from wall to wall.

He pulled himself to his feet. He ran as fast as he could to the office. He bent down to grab the crowbar when he felt a metal hand snatch his up tightly. He yelled as the hand twisted his all the way around. He stared into the golden eyes of Foxy.

He grabbed the crowbar with the other hand and beat the wires out of the animatronic's face. Finally the robot let go, and Mike ran back to the Marionette incidentally. He yelled and chucked the crowbar at the puppet. It caused a crack in the evil thing's plastic face.

The puppet grabbed his arm and twisted in all the way around, before grabbing him by the throat and squeezing. Blood came from his mouth and he kicks and pushed with all his might. He screeched like a banshee and felt the Marionette throw him on the ground. He landed next to Mezie. He pulled her close to him, tears going down his face. He pressed his lips to her forehead, held her there. That was when his chest was stepped on, and the Marionette kicked Mezie away, and beat him with his own crowbar until he just stopped moving.

Mezie gasped, shaking her head violently so the pictures would stop. She pressed her fingers to where Mike had kissed her. She started crying, before she ran toward the Marionette and hitting him with the ax with all her strength.

"Now, now, don't be violent, kid." Marionette yelled, picking her up and throwing her into the wall. She landed next to Mike. She dragged herself closer to him and kissed his forehead and stood up. She was beyond peeved. She was going to tear that puppet from limb to limb.

Her eye twitched as she took heavy, deep breaths. She held the ax firmly in her hand. That's when someone came up behind her.

She had cascading red hair and dark blue eyes. She had white pale skin. Mezie turned and saw her, recognizing her immediately. "Red-" She started but the auburn haired girl held up a hand. "I know everything, Mezie. We have to finish this motherf***er off. Now."

Clearly confused, Mezie turned around and was jumped by the Marionette. Red moved back and pulled the creature off, throwing him into the wall violently.

Red and Mezie stood beside each other, one with an ax and one with a crowbar. The Marionette hissed with recognition.

"Bring it on, you little girls." Marionette hissed. "What did you call me?!?" Red yelled. Mezie just kept thinking about Mike. "I'm. An. Animal!" Mezie yelled, running towards the creature.

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