Blame Game [ELEVEN]

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Mike hissed at Red, anger boiling in his stomach. "I still can't believe this, Red! You expect me to sit back and do nothing, while my doll is is that hell hole!"

Red froze for a second, eye twitching. "What did you just call her? Your doll? I know we're in a disagreement, but phew, you must like her!" She chuckled.

Mike crossed his arms stubbornly. "Shut up! Get back to the point, tomato head!" He snapped, face beginning to redden. It wasn't as much anger as it was blush. It was furious blushing.

Red raised an eyebrow. "Pfft, is that the best insult, Scar-Head?" The red-head chuckled, before her face darkened. "Now, you're staying in this hospital!" Red decided finally, crossing her arms stubbornly.

Mike muttered incoherent words beneath his breath, eye narrowed. "I'm going to get outta here, you watch me, yes I will, and you can do nothing about it!" The security guard hissed through clenched teeth.

"Ah, nice try Mikey, but you ain't. Hate to break it to ya, but that just isn't gonna happen." Red responded abruptly.

"Don't call me that!" Mike's eye darkened, and his sightless eye seemed to glow with anger. "Only Mezie can call me that!" He snarled, eyes darkened.

Red put both of her hands up. "Geez, alright, but Mike, remember one thing; Mezie loves you, so please, stop the blame game. You can ramble on and on about how you're gonna get outta here, but it just won't happen unless you just accept that she realizes it's her fault." The auburn-haired girl said, eyes full of concern.

"I mean it, Mike. The only reason she went back was because the boss wanted you and her to go work another week, but she volunteered to do twice the time to cover for both of y'all. So just stop." Red continued, eyes serious. She could tell her words were hitting Mike where it hurt most; his heart.

Mike's eyes widened, his seeing eye full of shock. "That's why? Whoa, there! I have to get out of here now, and Red, you're gonna help me, like it or not." He demanded, beginning to tear the IVs from his arms and shoulders stubbornly.

"What makes you think I'm gonna help you?" Red chuckled softly, blue eyes piercing.

"Because Mezie is your friend, too. You wouldn't abandon her, would you? You don't understand, Red. You opened my eyes- er - eye, and I know what I need to do!" Mike yelled.

Red looked at her feet. "Before you go anywhere, I have to make sure she's okay. I'm going to call someone." Red hissed, walking out of the room.

She unlocked her phone with ease and tapped on a specific contact.
Mezie hissed in abosolute pain as she stretched her cut arm too wide. "Shoo-" she paused mid-word, seeing a familiar form in the door way.

"You slippery son of a salamander!" She yelled, but that figure ran towards her at top speeds. She knew she wasn't allowed to attack the animatronics.

Stepping aside, the red fox slammed into the wall. Laughing uncontrollably, Mezie felt like she was actually calm. That was until she felt a sharp blade slice her face from her right temple to her lower bottom left jawline, straight diagonally going across her face, and she could feel the sting of blood going down her face.

Yelling in obvious pain, Mezie stumbled backward, and screeched. She looked at the fox, hatred in her ice blue eyes. Suddenly, her laughter rang through the hallways.

The fox gave her this look, of confusion and agitation, slowly making his way toward the crazed woman. "L-L-Look-k what we g-got 'ere." The animatronic smiled, head twitching at awkward angles.

"Yeah, we have a retarded old robot piece of crap standing before an insane woman. Quite the scene, eh?" Mezie chuckled loudly, eyes dark and strained.

"What did you call m-e-?!" He hissed, grabbing Mezie by the throat and lifting her off the ground.

"Well, at least I'm not-countin' on a messy 'little 'bum to save me self, lassie." Foxy croaked, eyes glowing a golden, menacing color.

"Shut up, you scrap metal! Mike is the most amazing man you'll ever lay your stupid robotic eyes on, and he's therefore the best Night Guard to walk in this darn place! So shut your rusty metal trap before I force it closed, you pet!" Mezie yelled, reaching desperately for a screw driver.

Once the tool was in her hand, she drove it into Foxy's good eye. He dropped her immediately, and she laughed hysterically.

The animatronic hissed with pain, and looked up at Mezie, shock in his broken eyes. Sparks flew as the robot blindly backed out of the room, darting down the hallway, obviously trying to flee back to Pirate's Cove.

Mezie panted, her hand around her neck, rubbing the sore throat of hers. Sighing, she heard her phone vibrating, and checked it. It was a text message. From a friend of hers, Delilah.

Code Red. Literally. Mez, what're you doing?!

Looking at the text message, Mezie set her phone down immediately. She continued checking the tablet cameras. Her eyes were obviously tired, and she was dragging along.

She checked her phone again, and dialed a specific person's number, every once and awhile checking the tablet and door lights.

Mike noticed his phone was buzzing. He reached for it uneasily, hand shaking slightly. Once he answered it, he was completely relieved.

"Mike, I need to talk to you." Mezie's voice said from the phone. He nodded silently. "Talk." He said softly.

"I just wanted to you know that I.. It is my fault, Mike, that's obvious. I should've never called you. I need to apologize, because..let's just say I might not ever get the chance if I don't apologize now, so here I go."

"Mike, truly, it is my fault that your now blind on one side of your face, and it's my fault your in this mess. If I could've just let myself handle it you wouldn't be in this mess.. I'm sorry." Mezie paused for a moment.

Mike took a deep breath. "Get your butt outta there, Mezie, and come to my hospital now, before I reach through the phone and pulled you over here." He demanded coldly, but he didn't mean to sound that cold.

"My shift is almost ove-" "Now, Mez." He demanded. That's when Mezie started breathing heavily.

"They're here." And the dial tone, when someone hangs up, rang loudly in Mike's ears.

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