To The Museum

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It was about 30 minutes before the sun went down. Nick had brought me to where his father works; the Museum of Natural History. He was trying to convince his father to let us stay after the sun sets, for some reason.

Right after school was over I had a huge fight with my boyfriend. Nick must have saw or heard since this was his way of trying to cheer me up or something. Nick and I have been close friends all through high school. He knew I loved history, but I had been to the museum so many times already. I didn't know how this time could be any different.

"Alright!" Nick said coming up to me. I had been watching a video on something. Well I was really just staring at the screen while listening to Nick and his father talk.

"Alright what?" I asked as I turned to him.

"We can stay here even after it gets dark." He seemed excited about that, but I still don't understand why.

"So what? I don't see why you and your father are making it such a big deal." You began to walk away.


"I told you to not call me that. My name is Arcadia. Nothing more and nothing less." I always hated when people made my name to be something else. Nick knew that better than anyone.

"People say museums come to life when night falls. This museum makes it more of a literal saying." Larry, Nick's father said. I rolled my eyes. Larry made a face at me. I wasn't helping his dislike of me. It was pretty dumb anyway. He only disliked my because my twin sister was a bit of a slut that had hurt Nick, so Larry thinks I could be a slut too. He clearly doesn't want his precious Nicky to be around such people.

"Arcadia!" I snapped back to attention. I must have zoned out.

"What now Nick?"

"Come on, the sun will be setting soon and I want you to watch this." Nick grabbed my arm and pulled me as he walked. Larry followed behind. He had already made sure everyone else was gone.

"Where are you dragging me off to?"

"You'll see." I didn't really need an answer. I could tell by the hallways that Nick was leading me to the Egypt exhibit. I had spent the majority of all my other visits to the museum in that exhibit.

"So, what am I supposed to see? I have been here so many times that I probably know every little crack on these walls."

"Just watch the tablet and listen." Larry said, sounding a little annoyed and on edge about something. If he wasn't nick's father, I would probably snap at him. I just don't see how this place could be special. It doesn't change, so why am I here staring at a gold tablet. Nick's plan of cheering me up was working, but it was making me angry and annoyed, not happy.

I was about to tell nick that when the Tablet of Ahkmenrah began to glow. I gasped as I could feel something flow through the air. I then could hear things in the museum start to come to life. I watched in awe as Larry moved the stone over the sarcophagus, the tomb that the mummy of Ahkmenrah was in. he then took out the pins that held the sarcophagus closed. Behind me the two huge jackal guards began to move.

"She's with us." I heard Nick say to the statues. I was about to go into full panic mode when the mummy within the sarcophagus opened the lid and sat up. He moved his wrappings off of him and got out of his resting place. He was dressed in full pharaoh clothes under his wrappings. He seemed to only be a little older than me, so a little older than 18. He was incredibly handsome, enough so that it distracted me from my panic, for a few moments.

All I could do was stand there and be shocked and confused. Nick was asking if I was okay so I must have been completely pale. It drew the attention of Larry and the back-to-life mummy.

"Is she alright, Larry?" The mummy asked Nick's father. He had a British accent.

"I'm not sure Ahkmenrah." Larry responded.

"Nick?" I asked, turning to my best friend, completely ignoring the other people in the room.

"Yeah Arcadia?" Nick asked, unsure of what I might do.

"If you wanted to cheer me up, then you should have gotten me a puppy." I then turned and began to walk away. I paused to speak again. "Come on Nick. You are taking me home.


"No, I have enough to deal with. A magic tablet and museum exhibits coming to life are not on the list of things I want to deal with tonight."

"Alright. I'll see you at home dad." I heard Nick say to Larry as I walked away. I honestly wasn't sure what I thought or felt in that moment. I just wanted to get out of there before I made a fool of myself by having a full blown panic attack.

"Tomorrow." I mumbled to Nick once we left the museum.


"Bring me back tomorrow. I want to see it more, just not tonight." I smiled at Nick and mumbled a thank you. He was trying to help, and I knew it. Honestly it seems like it did help distract me. I was now freaked out and confused and not depressed and crying like I would have been. Nick seemed to understand too, because he just wrapped an arm around me and hugged me sideways.

"Sure thing Arcadia."

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