The Note

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It was in the middle of the day when I returned to the museum. Bruises were all over my body, but thankfully I could cover them up with my clothes. I hurried through the museum and ended up in the Egypt exhibit. I opened my purse and pulled out a note I had wrote an hour before. I slid the note into Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus so that he'd see it whenever he woke up. When that was done, I left the museum.

Ahkmenrah's Point Of View

Once my tablet brought the museum to life, I unwrapped my mummification cloth. After I did that, I saw a note lying where I just was. I opened the note up and began to read.

The note said:

'Ahkmenrah, I am so sorry but I can't do this anymore. I can't live my life being abused every day. I want you to know that I think I could have fallen in love with you. I think we could have had a real chance to finish what we started the other night and had a really good relationship.

This is goodbye. I hope this doesn't hurt you too much. My death is the only answer to solve my problems.

Goodbye Ahkmenrah. Thank you for all you did. ~ Arcadia.'

I couldn't help but gasp and drop the paper. I took of out of my exhibit to find Larry. Thankfully Nick was there too.

"Where does Arcadia live?" I demanded to Nick. He asked me why I was asking, but I didn't answer. He ended up telling me so I rushed out of the museum. I had hours of night light left, so I wasn't worried at all for myself.

I raced off to where Nick said Arcadia lives. I managed to sneak into her house and find her room. Her name was on the door, so it wasn't that hard. I didn't see her though, but I did see another door. When I opened that door, my heart broke.

Arcadia was lying on her bathtub. She was naked and in red water. I could see that her wrists were cut and that she wasn't breathing. I could also see all the bruises on her body. I quickly made my way to her and knelt down next to the bathtub.

"Arcadia?" I whisper to the nearly dead girl that I had grown attached to. I got no response so I reached out to touch her. She was almost ice cold and she was incredibly pale. "Please, you cannot die." I got up and found a bunch of towels. I laid some out on the floor and pulled her with towels and held her to my body I hoped that it would give her some warmth. "Don't die Arcadia. I need you. I don't want to be alive at night if you aren't alive at all. Please do not leave me." I could feel myself began to cry. I held her tight to my body and let my tears flow.

Then suddenly I felt something odd. I could feel the tablet activate. As I felt that, Arcadia began to glow the golden glow the tablet would give off. As the tablet glowed, Arcadia's wrists healed, her skin regained its healthy color and she began to get warm once again.

"Arcadia?" I gasped. She moaned in pain, but still opened her eyes.

"Ahkmenrah?" She gaped out. Her voice was hoarse and shaky.

"Why would you do that?" I held her tightly again and pressed my lips to her forehead.

"I-I am so sorry." She began to cry.

"I was so scared. I thought that I had lost you." I couldn't help but let some tears fall as well.

"I'm so sorry." She repeated. She was now uncontrollably crying and clinging to me.

"Come on, we need to get you into some clothes." I helped her stand and enter her room. I looked away as she got dressed to leave. "We need to thank the tablet when we return to the museum."


"I believe it just saved your life."

"Alright." She finished dressing and was fully ready to go. I helped her begin our journey to the museum in complete silence. I don't think either of us knew what to say. I didn't even know what I was going to say to the tablet. I could hardly describe how thankful I was that Arcadia was saved, but I was going to have to find the words.

Normal Point of View

I felt horrible that I made Ahkmenrah cry. He was clearly broken up that I tried and almost died.

"Ahkmenrah?" I whispered before we entered the museum. He turned to look at me. I wrapped my arms around him. I couldn't speak, I was too choked up.

"You are alright now, that is all that matters." He whispered to me. We then entered the museum. The first thing we did was pray/thank the tablet/Gods that I was healed. Once we were done there, we went to hang out with our friends in the museum. We tried to act normal and not let anyone know what I had done, but I knew I was going to have to tell Nick later that day.

When it was almost sun rise, Ahkmenrah and I walked back to his tomb. Once we got there, he pulled me into a hug.

"I am so sorry for trying to die." I told the mummy.

"You need to promise that if you feel like dying again that you'll come to me. You need to promise to never harm yourself again." Ahkmenrah explained while still holding onto me.

"I promise."

"Good." Ahkmenrah pulled away to kiss my lips. I could feel the passion and happiness in the kiss. He was clearly thankful that I was still alive, and honestly so was I. "Now get home and get to sleep." Ahkmenrah smiled at me. I nodded my head and smiled back.

"Have a nice rest Ahkmenrah. I'll see you when night falls again."

"Good, I shall miss you."

"I shall miss you too." I replied giggling.

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