To The Museum, Once Again

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The next day, Ahkmenrah and the tablet are packed and sent to the New York museum. Even on a plane it took a while to arrive. Ahkmenrah reached the Museum of Natural History right before night fell. Ahkmenrah was put back in his Egyptian exhibit.

Ahkmenrah's Point of View

I awoke to darkness. I had not thought this through. Who would be out there to set me free? Just when I was about to lose all hope, my Anubis guards opened my sarcophagus. They seemed happy to see me once again. I quickly thanked my guards and went to find my friends. I found them in the main hall of the museum. Teddy, Sacagawea, Jedediah, Octavius, Attila and even Rexy and Dexter were there. They seemed confused, but happy to be alive once more.

"King Ahkmenrah!" Teddy exclaimed when he spotted me. I made my way to them. "What are you doing here my boy?"

"It has been a few months my friends. Arcadia and I have gotten extremely close, we even are...were going to use the tablet's magic to be together. Yesterday morning, her father took her from London and brought her here. I have come back to save her." I paused to breathe and let everyone process what I said. "I have to ask, will you all help me? Will you help me save the woman I love before the night ends?" They all thought about it. I just couldn't stay strong any longer. The pain of possibly losing Arcadia forever was too much. Broken sobs left me as I fell to my knees. "Please, I cannot live without her. I cannot do this on my own. My friends please help me save Arcadia." I couldn't look up at them. My tears were falling to the ground. A pharaoh should never act like this, but when it comes to Arcadia, I never was just a pharaoh.

"Ahkmenrah, we will help you." I heard Sacagawea tell me.

"Of course we'd help ya! We are your friends!" Jedediah said loudly for a miniature. Everyone else declared they'd help as well. Teddy helped me up and Sacagawea got me a tissue. They all seemed a bit surprised to see me cry. They must have realized that I do have strong feelings for Arcadia, and that I still am a man underneath my pharaoh clothing.

We quickly made our way to Arcadia's house. I remembered where it was from the last time I had to save her. Teddy suggested that the miniatures go in and find out what was going on in there. So Jedediah and Octavius set out to the house while Teddy, Sacagawea, Attila, Dexter and I sat and hid in the bushes.

Jedadiah's Point of View

Octavius and I snuck into the house through a broken doggy door. We quickly and quietly walked through the house. We began to hear a scream that sounded an awful like Arcadia.

"Octavius, did you hear that?" I asked the Roman next to me.

"I did. It seems we need to hurry." Octavius responded.

"I agree it seems our big buddy is in trouble." Octavius and I hurried to where we heard the scream. We were able to slide under the door and see what was going on. We saw two men, one older than the other. We couldn't hear what was being said, but we found out where Arcadia was. Before Octavius and I left, we saw the younger fella hit Arcadia.

"We need to hurry back to the others." Octavius said as he pulled me. We slid back under the door and ran. We made it to the others quickly and began to tell them what we saw.

"How that we have the information we need, let us hurry and come up with a plan to save our friend!" Teddy declared.

Arcadia's Point of View

I was on a chair, tied to it. Castiel and my father were standing in front of me.

"Why won't you just forget all the museum people?" My father asked.

"They have been the family," I looked at my father, and then to Castiel, "And lover I never had." I growled out.

"You bitch!" Castiel yelled, he then punched me hard. Some blood came out of my mouth, but nothing more.

"Castiel, take a walk." My father told my ex-boyfriend.

"Why?" He hissed in return.

"You are getting too rough."

"Whatever." Castiel stormed out. I heard the basement door hit the wall before swinging closed. My father just rolled his eyes. He hated Castiel yet he was working with him anyway. It made no sense. It was only a few minutes later when we heard Castiel scream, like a little boy.

"What the...?" My father walked up the stairs, but he suddenly fell forward like he had been tripped. When he stood back up to walk over whatever he tripped over, Dexter jumped from the shadows and attacked him. He yelled out and stumbled backwards. My father tripped over what he originally tripped over, and I could see now that it was Jedediah and Octavius holding string.

Moments later, the basement door opened. Castiel was then tumbling down the stairs. Once he got up, he paused to watch my father rolling around on the ground being attacked by a monkey. Teddy and Attila came down the stairs next and went towards Castiel. Soon after that, Sacagawea and Ahkmenrah came down the stairs.

"Arcadia!" Ahkmenrah almost yelled. He rushed over to me with Sacagawea. She cut my bindings, freeing me from the chair. I instantly flew into Ahkmenrah's arms.

"Ahk..." I cried. I couldn't speak. Tears were streaming down my bruised face. I could feel that Ahkmenrah was letting his tears escape as well. He and I were so thrilled to be back in each other's arms.

"Are you okay Arcadia?" Ahkmenrah asked, not pulling away at all.

"Now I am." I responded tightening my grip on Ahkmenrah. I didn't want to let him go. I just wanted to stay in his arms forever.

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