Winning The Battle

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As Arcadia and Ahkmenrah's happy reunion went on, there were two little fights going on. Teddy and Attila's fight with Castiel and Jedediah and Octavius's fight with Arcadia's father.

Octavius's Point of View

Once Jedediah and I tripped the man and he fell down the stairs with Dexter on his face, it was time to tie him up.

"Let's hurry and tie up this big fella before he gets away!" Jedediah yelled to me as we made our way down the large stairs.

"Yes, but don't you let him get away. You remember what happened last time you tried to tie up a large man." I reminded Jedediah of the time he tried to tie up Larry. Jedediah glared at me.

"This ain't no time to bring that up Octavius!" Jed yelled, almost embarrassed. It almost made me laugh, but we needed to focus. We finally made it to Arcadia's father. We used the rope to tie his feet together. We then managed to get his hands tied with Dexter's help.

"Release me you little freaks!" Arcadia's father yelled at Jedediah and me as he struggled.

"Not a chance!" Jedediah yelled back. He then turned to me. "We did it Octavius!" We chest bumped before turning our attention to thank Dexter for his help.

Teddy's Point of View

Once Attila threw the ex-boyfriend of Arcadia down the stairs, we walked down them quickly. The young man was distracted by Arcadia's father being attacked by Dexter, so we were able to surprise him once again. I held my gun at him, even though I really didn't want to kill the young man.

"Why are you freaks helping a nobody like Arcadia?" The young man asked, clearly not afraid of a gun being pointed at him.

"Castiel, she may be a nobody to you, but she is certainly somebody important to us." I responded. I made a point to show him I was serious about harming him. "Stand up. Attila would you please get the rope." Attila got the rope and began to tie the young man up. Castiel struggled. He made the task of tying him up extremely hard. I had to set down my gun to help tie him up. He was a strong man. I was very glad that Ahkmenrah didn't try to help Arcadia all alone. Once Castiel was tied up, we set him down near the other tied up man.

"We did good Attila." The man made noises back that I assume was an agreement. We then turned out attention to Arcadia and Ahkmenrah.

Arcadia's Point of View

When Ahkmenrah and I finally pulled away we saw that Castiel and my father were tied up on the floor. Ahkmenrah and Sacagawea helped me stand and walk over to everyone.

"Thank you everyone." I told my friends. It was a simple thank you, but my emotions of gratitude were clear in my voice.

"We were happy to help." Teddy responded for everyone. I smiled then turned my attention to the two men on the ground.

"You asked me why I won't forget these people. I love them. I love Ahkmenrah. These people are my family." I felt Ahkmenrah kiss my forehead.

"We love you as well my dear." Ahkmenrah responded. The others agreed causing me to smile at everyone. This is something I never got growing up. I never got any type of good love.

"Castiel, dad, I am never letting either of you do that again. I am not going to be around you two. If I even see the two of you again, I will call the police." I told the two on the ground. They glared at me, but for once, I wasn't afraid of it.

"Your sister should be here eventually. Let us leave the here. As their punishment." Ahkmenrah said, harshly. No one, other than the two men, objected to Ahkmenrah's offer. All of us left the men and quickly went back to the museum.

Ahkmenrah's Point of View

"Thank you all my friends. We couldn't have made it through this without all of you." I told my friends after we got to the museum. "Arcadia and I must go to the tablet now. There is still moonlight left." Without any further explanation, I pulled Arcadia to the Egyptian exhibit.

"What do we do?" Arcadia questioned me once we got there. I took the tablet off the wall and held it out to her.

"Hold onto the side of the tablet. Do not let go for any reason." I told her, my voice was serious, so she nodded her head and did what I said. Arcadia and I stared into each other's eyes. She was clearly afraid, but she smiled at me anyway.

"Do the two of you wish to complete the previously discussed change?" The tablet asked in Arcadia's and my mind. "Do the two of you wish to remain mortals, but have an everlasting life, day and night for as long as this tablet exists?"

"Yes." I said, but at the same tie Arcadia said, "Will the tablet still awaken everyone, like it does now?"

"Of course."

"Then yes." Arcadia smiled shyly at me. She was almost embarrassed that she asked that. I just smiled back.

"The change will now occur. Keep both hands on the tablet. The change will be completed before the sun rises. Be warned, it will be painful."

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