The Twin

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Only a few hours after going to bed, there was a knock on my hotel door. I sighed, put a robe on and opened the door. There stood my father.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned. My answer was getting shoved to the ground. My dad walked into the hotel room and closed the door.

"What am I doing here? Did you think you could leave so easily?" He was angry and close to yelling.

"Why would I stay in that house?" I yelled back, standing up from the ground. "Castiel is still there!"

"You belong there, not here!" My dad grabbed me and pushed me towards the bed room. "Start packing. You are coming home with me. No daughter of mine will be involved with a museum exhibit."

"How did...?"

"I have my ways of finding out information."

"Dad, please!" I tried to reason with him, but he shoved me hard.

"Get your shit, we are going."

My father forced me to gather all of my things. He made me get on a plane, and leave London once again. I couldn't help but cry. I didn't want to leave Ahkmenrah. Tomorrow night was supposed to be the day we make our change together. My father ruined everything. Ahkmenrah was probably going to think I abandoned him.

Eventually I fell asleep on the plane and woke up to my father's angry attitude. He didn't speak on the way home and he didn't say a word as he pushed me into the basement. It was only when I was at the bottom of the stairs on the ground that he decided to speak.

"You are going to stay down there until I feel you've been punished enough. I will be back later, to start punishment." With that, my father closed and locked the basement door.

Ahkmenrah's Point of View

When my parents and I woke up, we saw someone. It was a girl who looked a lot like Arcadia, but she seemed different.

"Who are you?" I asked, already knowing this girl wasn't Arcadia.

"I'm Sierra, Arcady's twin." The girl responded. The tone of her voice was rude and she gave off an evil vibe.

"Why are you here?" My mother demanded, she clearly felt what I did.

"I just wanted to let you know that you'll never see your precious Arcadia again." Her tone was mocking and arrogant. It was the type of voice that just made you want to hit the person.

"Why would you say that?" I questioned, getting nervous. Sierra just laughed, but nothing was funny to me. "What did you do to her?!" I was getting angry. The girl walked over to me and put her hands on me.

"Come on, I can be more fun than her." Sierra tried to seduce me, but I just pushed her away. I didn't want anything to do with her. She stumbled backwards and lost her footing.

"Don't touch me. I don't want anything to do with someone like you." I growled. Sierra glared at me from where she sat on the ground.

"Guards, get the girl." My mother ordered our Anubis statues in Egyptian. Instantly they moved to get Arcadia's twin. She freaked out as the guards lifted her from the ground.

"Tell us what happened to Arcadia." I demanded. At first sierra didn't say anything. After being held for a few minutes, she began to talk. She told us that her father took Arcadia. She was told to make sure I knew I'd never see Arcadia again. She also told us that her father was planning to lock Arcadia away and abuse her until she agreed to forget about me and the "messed up museum shit" as her father said.

"Why would you help do such a thing?" My father asked.

"I hate Arcadia." Sierra simply responded.

"I have to go and save her." I told my parents. They agreed, but Sierra just laughed.

"You'll just get shot. A pretty boy like you wouldn't stand a chance against my dad and my boyfriend." Sierra said, with a smile on her face.

"We should tell Tilly what is happening, so she can arrange to send you and the tablet to New York." My mother suggested. My father agreed so they went off to tell our night guard. While they were gone, I stood staring at Sierra. The realization that my love was taken from me had finally started to hit me. I had to lean against one of the tombs to keep myself standing.

"I had just gotten her back." I said to myself. My emotions were going crazy. I was sad and angry all at the same time.

"She deserves it all." Sierra said to me. I glared up at her in return.

"How dare you say that?!"

"Her birth killed my mother! It wasn't supposed to be twins! She wasn't supposed to exist!" Sierra yelled back. Tears were filling her eyes. "My mother's body couldn't handle birthing twins. She died because of Arcadia!"

"That doesn't mean she needs to be put through hell! She didn't choose that!"

"Ahkmen!" My father said, reminding me to calm down. "Tilly has arranged for you and the tablet to be sent back to the museum. But it will be a permanent thing my son." My father explained. I was shocked to hear that.

"But father..." I tried to say, but he put a hand on my shoulder.

"You must go to her, save her and complete the change. If you want, you can bring the tablet back here to visit us. But I believe it should stay with your friends. Your life is there my son."

"Alright father. If that is what you think is best." I had to admit, I missed my friends.

"Sierra, you will be set free, but do not get in the way or you will suffer consequences." My mother warned. The tone of her voice even frightened me. Sierra nodded her head and out guards set her go. She ran off as quickly as possible.

"So this is our last night together. Let us make the most of the time we have left." My father said to me and my mother. We all agreed, so we were going to do just that. It was going to be a bittersweet goodbye, once again.

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