To London

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It seemed like it took forever but I was finally back in London. I had absolutely nothing with me other than all my money. When I got here, it was almost night, so I went right to the British museum. When I got there, I ran into Tilly.

"You there!" You are Ahkmenrah's girlfriend!" The British night guard said pointing at me.

"I wouldn't say I'm his girlfriend, but yeah." I replied.

"I spent many nights hearing about you." Tilly said as she began to make her rounds before everything in the museum came to life. I was tagging alone to find the Egyptian exhibit.

"So, are there any exhibits I should watch out for?" Tilly explained that there were a few to stay away from. She told me that Ahkmenrah would probably protect me though. As we talked we ended up at the Egyptian exhibit. She went on her way and I stayed.

When night fell, I felt the pulse of the tablet. It was a nice feeling since it felt the same when the tablet saved my life. It was warm and protecting in my mind. As everything came to life, I kept quiet. Once the three Egyptians awoke, their Anubis statues in the background motioned towards me. They knew I wasn't a threat, for some reason.

"Arcadia!" Ahkmenrah exclaimed happily. He rushed to my side and moved to hug me. I flinched away, so Ahkmenrah stopped trying to hug me.

"It's been awhile Ahkmenrah." I smiled and slowly moved to hug him. He understood that something bad had happened and I was just more comfortable doing the hugging first. He gently hugged me back.

"I have missed you so much." We hugged for a few moments before Ahkmenrah's parents cleared their throats to remind us that they were still in the room. "Ah yes, Arcadia, come meet my parents officially." Ahkmenrah led me to them and introduced us more formally than last time.

"I am glad to see you are okay. Ahkmen had been worried that you were seriously injured." Shepseheret told me. I tried to smile. I knew Ahkmenrah probably would have told them about my hospital visit.

"Our son truly cares for you. I hope you will be permanently here. I do not wish to see my son go through any more sadness from missing you." Merenkahre said, in a scary voice.

"I, uh, actually will be here permanently. I have to just find a place to live." I responded, my nervousness showing completely.

"Go on you two. You have been reunited after so long. Go enjoy yourselves." Ahkmenrah's mother said it happily.

"Good idea mother." Ahkmenrah led me away from his parents. He led me to the room where we first met Lancelot. It was empty thankfully.

"Ahkmenrah, I..." I sat down on a bench. He sat next to me.

"Yes Arcadia?"

"I need to tell you what happened to me." I got out finally.

"Alright, I am listening."

"One night, Castiel and my sister got drunk. Well it was one of the days I got one of your letters. Anyway, they got drunk and had a bunch of gross sex in their room. Which was right next to mine. I guess during it, my sister fell asleep. Castiel hadn't been ready to end his night of loud sex. So..." I began to breathe hard and panic a little. I fought back tears as Ahkmenrah held my hand. I took a deep breath and continue. "So as I slept, well tried to sleep, he came into my room. I guess my dad had given him a key to my room, since my room locks from the outside and inside. So he was able to come right in. he woke me up by punching me and grabbing my hair..." I then proceeded to tell Ahkmenrah how Castiel raped me. I didn't tell him in full detail, because I began to cry hard. Ahkmenrah held me and just let me cry.

"I had no idea that something like that happened. I am so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." Ahkmenrah mumbled, with anger clear in his voice.

"Ahkmenrah," I whispered.

"How dare he lay a hand on you? How dare he do more than that?" Ahkmenrah stood up and began to angrily pace. His volume of his voice raised as well. "Why would anyone do something like that to you?"

"Ahkmenrah, please."

"I should go there and have him cut to pieces." Ahkmenrah's anger was a little scary, but I knew he was definitely someone who wouldn't hurt me. So I got up and wrapped my arms around him. He stopped pacing and stood. He was calming down a bit.

"Please Ahkmenrah, calm down. Just focus on us now, not him. You cannot undo what happened." I told Ahkmenrah as I held onto him.

"You are right. Please forgive me. I hope I did not frighten you." Ahkmenrah replied, worried. He finally returned the hug.

"Ahkmenrah, I'm going to have to go soon. I haven't found a place to stay and it's getting late."

"I understand." Ahkmenrah pulled back, just to kiss me. I kissed him back and stayed like that or a few minutes.

"I missed doing that." I giggled. "I love you Ahkmenrah."

"I love you as well, my dear." Ahkmenrah kissed me one more time. "Will you be back tomorrow night?"

"I will." I replied, kissing him again. He made me forget everything I had been put through. I loved it and him so very much. Ahkmenrah walked me to the front door. We stopped and faced each other.

"Goodnight my dear."

"Goodnight Ahkmenrah." I kissed him one last time before turning to leave. I had been so horribly hurt, but I think I'll be okay because of Ahkmenrah. I think Ahkmenrah can help me move on from all the trauma and pain.

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