The Change

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Moments after the tablet spoke, a horribly painful jolt flew from the tablet and went into Arcadia and Ahkmenrah. The tablet began to glow. To both of them, it felt like they were dying, well in Ahkmenrah's case, dying again. The pain is so horrible that both, Arcadia and Ahkmenrah fall to their knees on the ground. Thankfully, neither of them let go of the tablet. It wasn't like they could anyway. It was like their hands were glued to the tablet.

The two didn't realize it, but they were screaming in pain. A few of their friends came to see what was wrong, but Ahkmenrah's Anubis statues kept everyone out of the room. As the couple screamed, they could feel their bodies change. Ahkmenrah felt it more than Arcadia though.

The Pein lasted for a few hours, but it eventually began to hurt less. The rest of the museum returned to their places, and the sun got ready to rise. Arcadia and Ahkmenrah were lying on the ground with the glowing tablet still in their hands. They honestly looked dead, but were thankfully still alive.

As the sun began to rise, the pain left their bodies and the tablet's glow began to disappear. Arcadia and Ahkmenrah gasped and took in a lot of air, just as the sun completely rose. For the first time since being alive, Ahkmenrah remained awake during the day. Once Ahkmenrah and Arcadia fully woke up, they sat up and looked at each other. Then they looked down at the tablet. The tablet began to talk.

"The change is complete. The power has been drained. This tablet will need two full nights of moonlight until it will be able to awaken your friends like normal." The tablet's voice faded, leaving Ahkmenrah and Arcadia alone.

Arcadia's Point of View

Ahkmenrah and I looked at each other and smiled.

"My heart is beating." Ahkmenrah said, touching his chest. I reached out and felt it too.

"You're alive." I said a mix of happiness and thankfulness.

"I'm alive." Ahkmenrah repeated. We began to laugh, so relieved that it worked. Ahkmenrah reached over and pulled me to him. Our lips met in a kiss, the first one that both of us were alive during. When we pulled back, we smiled again. Ahkmenrah and I began thanking the tablet, over and over.

"We need to get out of here." I told Ahkmenrah. I helped him stand and walk out of the museum.

"Where are we going to go?" Ahkmenrah questioned as I helped push him into a cab. I told the driver an address.

"Larry's apartment." I responded as the cab began to drive. We were there quickly. I thankfully had some money on me so I could pay the cab driver. Ahkmenrah was still weak, so I had to help him walk all the way to where Larry's apartment was. When we got to Larry's door and knocked, Nick opened it. He looked surprised and very confused.

"Arcadia, is that Ahkmenrah?" Nick questioned, staring at the Egyptian next to me.

"Yes, it's him and he's very heavy so can we come in?" I hadn't realized how heavy he was until I had to help him walk so much. Nick helped Ahkmenrah to the couch thankfully, and then went to go and get his father.

"Ahkmenrah?" Larry asked when he walked into the room. He then looked at me. "So what happened?" Ahkmenrah and I told them all about the past two months, mainly about the past 48 hours and the change though. They were even more shocked now, but at least their questions had been answered.

"And that's how Ahkmenrah ended up here. And the tablet." I had almost forgotten that the tablet was still with Ahkmenrah.

"So, you two are going to try to live a normal life?" Larry questioned.

"Yes Larry." Ahkmenrah responded.

"Well then, Ahkmenrah will need normal clothes."

"True, I hadn't thought that far though." I responded, slightly embarrassed.

"I'll take Ahkmenrah to get some clothes and the other things he needs to live a normal life. Nick you stay here with Arcadia."

"Alright dad." Nick replied. Ahkmenrah and I just nodded out heads. Larry and Ahkmenrah left, once Ahkmenrah took off some flashy and obvious things, like his crown. Nick and I were left all alone in the apartment.

"So, what do you think about all this?" I questioned Nick.

"I am glad that you found someone. I am glad Ahkmenrah took you away from the abuse and violence. Ahkmenrah is a good guy." Nick replied, smiling at me. "So, what are you planning for the future?"

"Well, I want to just enjoy my life with Ahkmenrah. He has just gotten a second chance at life. I don't want to rush him." I sat down on the couch and picked up Nick's laptop.

"That's it?" Nick asked, chuckling.

"Ahk died young. I never had a loving life. This is out chance to change how our lives were originally. That's it. A love filled life with Ahk."

"I'm happy for you Arcady."

"Well, use that happiness and help me look for an apartment online." I laughed; Nick laughed as well and agreed. He sat down on the couch and began to help me.

That's exactly where Ahkmenrah and Larry found Nick and me when they came back. Nick and I looked up from the laptop. Ahkmenrah had quite a few bags and so did Larry. My eyes widened as Nick got up to help his dad.

"Don't worry, all this isn't for Ahkmenrah. I figured I'd just get a few groceries while I was out." Larry said after he saw the look on my face.

"Look at what I got Arcadia." Ahkmenrah said, coming to the couch. He sat down and then began to show me what he got. He got a few outfits and some shoes. He got some identification and the other necessary documents to live a normal life. He also went on about all of the things he saw. There were so many things that Ahkmenrah had seen for the first time today. He seemed incredibly excited about it all. It made him look very adorable. Once he was done with his explanation, I told him that I saw a few places where we could live one day. He seemed even more excited about that.

"Come on Ahkmenrah, we need to be getting to a hotel. We need some sleep." I told Ahkmenrah after his adorable excitement calmed down.

"Alright. That's a good idea." Ahkmenrah said, trying to not yawn. We thanked Larry and Nick for their help and then began our trip to a hotel with all of Ahkmenrah's new things.

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