The Question

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It was early in the morning. If I was going to stay here in London, I was going to have to find a job. This was going to have to find a job. This was going to be hard. I am bad with people. Regardless, I had to get up and get dressed.

During my job hunt, I went to three restaurants to fill out an application. I also got lost along the way to every place. Once I was done with those three places, I decided to go shopping. I spent hours looking for not-as-expensive clothes. Once I found enough, I went to find a digital camera.

By the time I was done with everything, there was only a few hours of day light left. I went to the hotel and put everything I bought away. I went to take a shower. As I took a shower, I wished it could wash away the bruises and the physical pain. It was nice to shower without being yelled at. Normally I would be screamed at to hurry up.

Once I got out of the shower and dried off, I went to pick out a new outfit from my new clothes. I chose a red tank top, black jacket and black jacket. My sneakers were gold. I thought I looked nice.

As I left my hotel room, I grabbed my camera and put it in my purse. I rode a bus to the museum and got there a little earlier than yesterday. I figured I would talk to Tilly again. She was at the gate waiting for me.

"So how was your first day in London?" Tilly asked, locking the gate behind me.

"It was amazing. Everything is so beautiful here. It's so much different than where I am from. I like it here." I responded with a friendly smile.

"That is good. Is there anything you need help with?"

"I need a job." I mumbled.

"I could try to get you a job here at the museum."

"I'd rather try to get a normal job first. But thank you Tilly. I appreciate that."

"Can I ask you something that honestly isn't any of my business?"

"Sure?" We were walking around, making sure that no one was still in the museum.

"How are you and Ahkmenrah going to be together? Ahkmenrah never ages, but you do." I turned to look at her. I opened my mouth to respond, but the sun set. The tablet began to glow and everyone began to wake up. Tilly walked off to do her job of keeping the exhibits in check. I was left with the three mummies brought to life.

"Arcadia, how lovely to see you again." Shepseheret said, hugging me. I forced myself to not flinch. My confusion to why she was hugging me helped to hide that I was uncomfortable.

"I am glad you returned Arcadia." Ahkmenrah came to my side to hug me as well.

"Ahkmenrah can we talk in private?" I whispered to Ahkmenrah. He nodded his head and told his parents that he'd be back later. Ahkmenrah and I walked back to the same room as last night. Ahkmenrah and I sat on the bench next to each other. Ahkmenrah leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"I need to ask you something?" I said, quietly.

"What is it?" Ahkmenrah sounded a little worried. I asked him the question that Tilly asked me; how can Ahkmenrah and I be together when he never ages, but I do?

"Tilly asked me that today, and I can't stop thinking about it." Everything was silent as Ahkmenrah thought about it.

"I want to be with you Arcadia. I do understand that this situation is a bit unconventional. But if you'd-"

"I want to be with you too, but how is it possible?"

"I am not sure."

"In two years I will be in the same age as you physically are. I don't want to grow older than you."

"I also do not wish to see you age past me."

"Do you think the tablet could do anything about it?"

"I am not sure, but we could go ask my father." Ahkmenrah suggested. I nodded my head and stood up. Before Ahkmenrah stood, I kissed him passionately. I smiled brightly at him and then pulled him up. He led me back to the Egypt exhibit.

"Ahkmen, you are back so soon?" Shepseheret said when she saw Ahkmenrah and me.

"Yes, we have a question for father." Ahkmenrah replied, respectfully.

"What is your question my son?" Merenkahre asked, stepping towards Ahkmenrah. Ahkmenrah explained the situation. His father thought, and then nodded his head. "My son, the tablet can do anything you desire."

"Like how it saved my life?" I asked Ahkmenrah's father.

"That's correct. The tablet was made for Ahkmenrah, so anything he feels strongly about, could potentially happen."

"The tablet and gods approve of you Arcadia. It would have more reason to help because of you." Shepseheret said after her husband.

"It may want you and Ahkmenrah to be together, since it's magic worked for you before." Merenkahre stepped closer to me and looked at me closely. "You have the tablet's magic inside of you already."

"You two have much to discuss and think about. You must decide how you want to go about it, and how you both would want to live." Shepseheret informed Ahkmenrah and I. we nodded and left to go back to the same room as earlier. We sat in silence and thought about it all. There really was a lot to think about. Our lives were in our and the tablet's hands now. This was probably going to be the most important decision of my life and his magic born life.

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