Chapter 10

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Nineteen days. It had been nineteen days since the Games. It had been nineteen days since I was imprisoned. Today is my second interview with Ceasar Flickerman. I sit in my cell, cradling my head in my arms. I feel so weak, but that is because I am weak. They had stopped feeding us days ago...and Hadrius beats us to a wider extent than ever. And then...there are the memories. Katniss tried to push me off the Cornucopia in the fist Games. She wanted me to be mauled by the mutts like Cato. Then, after we won and were on the train, she told me that the whole "star-crossed lovers" was an act and she just wanted to be friends. In the Quarter Quell, I remember that she didn't want to save me. I remember she told Finnick that they should go before it's too late. Luckily Finnick didn't listen. Then, she almost left me behind in the poison fog. I shake my head to rid myself of those thoughts. Katniss had just panicked. She didn't want to leave me behind. All the times that I comforted her at night tell me as much.

"Peeta?," Johanna asks.

"Hm?," I reply.

"Tell me about Katniss," she says.

"Haven't you met her before?," I canvass.

"Of course I have, you idiot," she scoffs, then turns serious again. "Tell me about her in the first Games that you were in."

I frown. Why would Johanna ask me that? Doesn't she know?

"Well, I remember the time I was on the beach, half-dead, and Katniss fond me and she kind of left me behind and Thresh attacked-"

"Wait, what?"

"Thresh, the tribute-"

"No, Katniss didn't leave you behind."

"Maybe I was hallucinating," I say. Johanna's eyes narrow.

"Yeah," she says slowly. "Maybe you were."

"All the memories I have are shiny. Which is strange because I'm pretty sure they weren't shiny before."

"What do you mean by shiny?,"  Brett asks, zoning into our conversation.

"Like the kind of images you get when you sleep," I explain. Brett nods in understanding. The doors open and Vince walks in. He stops at my cell and I get up, my legs threatening to give out from under me due to hunger. Vince opens the door of the cell and motions for me to come out. What I like about Vince is that he treats us better than any of the other guards. He usually lets me walk by my self, unless there are other guards. Then he'll put a firm hand on my shoulder. I walk out of my cell and wait for Vince to shut it again. Then he escorts me to the same place as last time where my prep team awaits me. Before we enter the room, Vince grabs my arm.

"Listen, Peeta, don't trust the memories Cornelius gives you," he whispers. I look at him, bewildered, but he's already pushing me into the room, leaving me wondering what that's supposed to mean.

"Peeta!," a familiar icy voice calls. I suppress a groan of annoyance and turn around to face the president.

"Peeta!," he says again. "I can't wait for your interview. This time, I have a small request. I want this interview to be directed to Katniss. Tell her to stop being a fool."

"Don't call her a fool," I growl. Despite all the things she did to me, I still love her. Somehow I know she would have never left me to die if she had the choice.

"Come now, Peeta," Snow says. "She tried to kill you. She is a fool to support the rebels."

"The only fool here is you," I retort through gritted teeth. Snow's expression hardens and he motions for his guard to come closer. The next thing I feel is a blow to my jaw.

"You. Will. Do. As. I. Say," the President says. I spit out blood onto his shiny white shoes. Another blow. The President leaves to go oversee the preparations for the interview. Angus helps me up.

"You alright, mate?," he asks. I nod and take the napkin he gave me, spewing out all the blood. I try not to gag at the metallic taste in my mouth. Soon the camera man is counting down to one...and my heart is thumping loudly in my chest. Portia gives me a gentle nudge.

"Good luck, Peeta," she whispers. I nod quickly.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of Panem! I am your host, Ceasar Flickerman!," the man announces. "Now, yesterday, when I interviewed Janess York, she told me that she has designed a line of suits especially for me. Now can anybody guess what I'm wearing? That's right, a suit designed by Jarick Messhaven!"

The sound of laughter erupted from the speaker. I gave Angus a confused look, and he simply shook his head.

"Now today," Ceasar continued. "I'm going to have a more serious interview. Today I'll be interviewing  Mr. Peeta Mellark right after this short announcement. Stay with us."

The camera man called "Clear!" and I was pushed onto the stage and into an armchair in front of Ceasar, like the last time. Ceasar gave me a sad smile, but I didn't acknowledge him at all. I was too busy trying to keep my stomach acid down while trying to figure out what I would say.

"And we are on again in!"

"Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Today I have a special guest and a very good friend, Mr. Peeta Mellark." Ceasar turned to face me. "Peeta, how are you?"

"I'm very well, thank you," I say. My voice is a little raspy and I clear my throat before excusing myself.

"So, Peeta, have you heard that the rebels are taking over many of the districts?"

My eyes widened in surprise.

"No, I didn't, Ceasar. I feel...disappointed that my message didn't get through."

"Yes, so do we all, I'm sure. I think we were all surprised to know Katniss is the official symbol of the rebellion. What do you have to say about the casualties?"

"I...Ceasar, remember what I said about the cost of innocent lives?"

"Yes, I recall you said that it costs everything you are."

"So what is the difference between killing in the arena and killing in the districts?"

I locked eyes with Ceasar and I could see he had nothing to say, so I went on to help him.

"But I think that those lives, those deaths, have to be worth something. Something worth fighting for. And if the rebels don't have a good reason to march into the districts, then these deaths mean nothing."

"I agree with you completely, Peeta. Now, I have one last question for you. What do you have to say to Katniss about...all this."

I took a deep breath and turned directly to the camera.

"Katniss, don't be a fool. Know who the real enemy is, and if you don't...find out."

The cameras went blank and the camera man called "Clear!" again. I sank back into the armchair.

"Ceasar, what have I done?" 

But the man had no answer.

A/N   So, I know that wasn't the interview but I decided to do it like that.

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