Chapter 15

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I am ready for the interview. Even though Portia has applied makeup on my face, I can still see the bruises on my jawline and my cheeks. Angus leads me down to the familiar stage where Ceasar Flickerman is currently talking to the camera, and smiling his signature smile. I should feel something. I should feel angry, or frustrated. No. I am too tired, too hurt to feel something. I even don't care that Katniss betrayed me. I just want to get this interview over with and go back to my cell to rot. Angus is standing beside me, and he opens his mouth but closes it. It is like he doesn't know what to say. I hear Hadrius talking to another guard.
"Did you hear about the raid Snow wants to send to 13?" the guard asks.
"Oh, it's more than a raid," Hadrius says. "They're going to bomb the entire District. The Mockingjay's time is over."
I blink. I can't seem to hear any more of the conversation. My mind is buzzing. The Mockingjay. The mutt. The rebel. Katniss. I should feel a sick satisfaction. But I don't. Katniss deserves to die, doesn't she? But another part of me, a small, tiny voice, speaks up. What about other people, who live in District 13? Do they deserve to die too?
"Alright, mate-," Angus whispers.
"Angus, I'm thinking of doing something very stupid," I say in a monotone voice. Angus looks at me curiously. "It's about the raid on District 13."
Angus keeps looking at me, and I take it as a sign to keep talking. "I'm going to warn them. Do you know anything about it?"
"Er, Peeta-"
"What's this?" Portia asks, walking up behind me.
"I want to know about this raid," I explain. Portia looks at Angus.
"I think it's this evening. Your interview will keep the rebels busy," Angus explains, glancing around him nervously. I nod. Hadrius seizes me by my left arm and starts dragging me to the stage. He shoves me into the chair opposite of Ceasar's. Ceasar himself is muttering things under his breath while reading his script. I look at the camera and think about what I'm going to do. Should I just burst out and yell a warning? I see Snow watching me out of the corner of my eye. He comes up on stage and bends down so he can stare me in the eyes.
"I think you know what to say, Peeta," he says quietly. "To Katniss."
"The mutt," I mutter. She is a mutt after everything she has done...
"Yes, yes. The mutt," Snow says happily. I wonder what has him in such a good mood. Maybe it's the raid?
"We're live in twenty seconds!"
"You've done a very good job so far, Peeta. Everyone hates you," Snow says. I look at him blankly. I hate Katniss, but I hate Snow too.
"Ten seconds!"
Snow pats me on the shoulder and leaves the stage. I look down at my lap as Ceasar Flickerman starts talking. "Good evening, citizens of the Capitol! As always, it is I, Ceasar Flickerman! Now, today, I have a very special guest with me here. The Victor of the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, Peeta Mellark!"
I look up as the cameras turn to face me.
"Good evening, Ceasar," I say coolly.
"Hello, Peeta," Ceasar replies. "My, I must say you've lost a few pounds the last time I saw you."
I force a smile on my face.
"So, as you know, the rebels are becoming very, very...powerful in many of the poorer districts. Take a look."
There is a pause. Ceasar leans over to me.
"They're just playing some footage of the rebels," he murmurs. I don't acknowledge him. After a few seconds Ceasar starts talking again.
"So, Peeta, you've made it clear that you are against all this violence-"
"-Why do you think Katniss is ignoring your advice?"
I try to look as calm and proffesional as possible.
"I think that not only Katniss, but the Capitol too, is ignoring my advice. This is about a struggle for power," I say. My voice sounds so frail and raspy. I glance very quickly at the monitors behind the camera. There seems to be some sort of trouble with the airing. I can hear a voice singing. Her voice.
"," Ceasar falters slightly. I can tell that he's noticed the commotion near the monitors too.
"There's another transmission!" a voice calls. "We've been cut off completely.
"Do something!"
"Override the transmission..."
Ceasar continues rambling nonsense.
"We're back on air in three, two, one-"
"Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen. I'm afraid that we're running out of time, so just a quick question to you, Peeta."
The cameras turn to me again, and I look straight at them. Somewhere, a little piece of the old Peeta Mellark wakes up.
"They're coming, Katniss," I say. "They're coming. You'll be dead by morning."
I hear scuffling. Guards are running up the stage. On of the seizes me.
"You hear me?!" I yell. "You'll be dead by morning!"
I see something swinging at my head, and then I feel pain explode through my skull. Then, there is nothing but darkness.

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