Chapter 3

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I feel a little better when I open my eyes. Johanna is already awake, but Annie is curled up in a ball, muttering in her sleep. Johanna acknowledges me with a nod, then goes back to toying with a rock. I stand up and strech a little.

"Don't you dare start pacing," Johanna says. I feel too tired to argue, which is strange considering I woke up two minutes ago. I sigh and sit back down. As if on cue, a guard appears, a dark look on his face. I watch as he unlock Johanna's cell and grabs Johanna by the arm. Any resistance Johanna puts up is useless, because the guard is a) much bigger than her and b) she is the prisoner,and is completely powerless. I watch with growing desperation as the guard drags Johanna through a pair of doors I never noticed earlier. Annie sits up and looks around with a terrified expression on her face. I try to comfort her as best as I can.

"They'll kill us-all of us," Annie sobs. "And then Finnick-"

Here she breaks down into heavy sobbing. I reach my hand through the bars and pat her back. I know how she feels. The heart-breaking feeling of knowing that everything I care about is ten thousand miles away. My family, my friends and Katniss. At least their situation is better than mine.

"Annie, I promised you that you wouldn't die," I console her. "I mean to keep that promise."

Before I can say any more, the doors swing open and the guard returns along with a screaming and bloodied Johanna. Annie screams herself and covers her ears. The guard shoves Johanna back into her cell and slams it shut. Even after he leaves, Johanna keeps screaming.

"Johanna, calm down!" I shout. I have to repeat this three more times before she finally ceases screaming. We sit in silence now.

"What happend to you?" I ask, my voice barely more than a whisper. Johanna ignores me and stares at the ceiling. I decide not to question her further. Instead I sit down, my back against the wall. 'If they can do this to Johanna,' I think. 'What will they do to me?'

No Hope Left-A Mockingjay StoryWhere stories live. Discover now