Chapter 14

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I stand in District Twelve, right outside my bakery. The District is deserted. Where did everyone go?
I turn around. I recognize that voice. Somewhere...
I start to follow the voice cautiously. Who keeps calling out my name?
I walk into Victor's Village, hoping to find the person. It sounds like a girl's voice. Then, I see her. She's a girl of about thirteen, and her shirt is tucked into her skirt rather crudely. I can see the back of her shirt sticking out like a duck's tail. Who is she?
"She volunteered for me," the girl says. I frown. Who volunteered? The girl fades away with the rest of District 12, and I am in the Hunger Games once again. I sit on a beach with Katniss. I want nothing more than to kill her. Instead, my dream self kisses her. I don't understand why. I hate Katniss Everdeen.

I wake up on the same cold hard black floor. I sit up and rub the side of my head. Neil is sitting up and looking around him. When he sees I'm awake he waves. He is caked in dry blood.
"How are you doing?," I ask him.
"Feeling better," Neil replies.
I nod in response. Johanna and Enobaria are glaring at each other.I wonder what their problem is. The doors swings open and Hadrius and Vince walk in. I simply look at them. I know that even if I stay on the ground, Hadrius would harrass me and then pick me up. I don't really care. I let Hadrius kick me in the ribs. After he's had his fun, he drags me up and pushes me out the door. I groan. Where are we going? We arrive in a familiar room. Portia is sitting on stuffed chair, and Angus is standing by her side. Portia looks horrified when she sees me, and Angus winces and looks away. They don't like the look of me. Portia rises and embraces me.
"My dear, dear boy," she sobs. I hug her, even though my ribs hurt. She looks past me and glares at Hadrius. "Leave!"
Hadrius grumbles but obeys. The minute that he is gone Portia pushes me into the stuffed chair. "Oh, Peeta! What have they done to you?"
I look around and realize this is the room where I prepare for my interviews. I catch sight of a mirror in front of me. The person staring back on the other side of the mirror isn't me. He looks like me...but he's not me. I can see why Angus looked away when he saw this boy. His face is bruised from beatings, and there are bags under his eyes. This boy's eyes are dull. I thought mine were bright. His eyes seem like an empty there is nothing left that's worth fighting for. The only thing left is fear. What is this boy scared of? Is it the daily injections given to him? Or is it the confusion inside his head?
Nothing is more frightening than a fear you cannot name.
That boy staring at me through the mirror, is me. Except, I don't know who that is.

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