(1) I'm The New Meister at the DWMA!

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A silence is broken within the room as the violent ring of an alarm clock sounds, vibrating off the walls. A disheveled head peaks out from under the blanket and slaps the nightstand mindlessly until the ringing ceased. Sinking back into the blanket, the figure goes back to sleep.

An hour elapsed by...

The door to the room cracks open, a boy with brunette locks and blonde tips, messily combed locks for that matter, tip-toed in. Leaving the door slightly ajar, he steadily comes closer and closer until he heaves his weight onto the covered figure. Raising his hand, he pokes the top portion of it.

"Poke, poke, poke, pooooke~" The boy childishly repeated as he bothered the person in the bed.
The black disheveled head rises in the sheets once more, yellow-green eyes pry themselves open to meet his emerald ones. Long eyelashes part to reveal a dangerous glare. A scowl plastered itself on the woman's face as she glared at the boy. Shrinking back in fear, he meekly scratched his cheek.
"Oops." He squeaked.
"KYLE!" she screamed in frustration.

"Shit!" He swore as he quickly attempted to crawl off the bed but before he could make his swift escape, the woman yanks Kyle by the leg, making him flop to the floor.
Reluctantly, he turned his head to come face to face with Satan. Rising out the bed to grab Kyle's collar, her expression changed.
A forced smile adorned her features but her neon eyes screamed murder. "What possibly possessed you to wake me up~" she cooed.

'Holy shinigami, I'm dead, I'm so dead!'
Kyle thought as the air grew so thick not even a knife could slice through it. The built up tension is suddenly released when a knock echoes into the room with a voice saying "Girl, I'm coming in." The woman lets go of his collar roughly, making Kyle's head bang on the floor.

Another boy with the same hair enters the room with a cup of coffee which the girl merrily waits to be handed. Kyle takes this as his chance of mercy and runs towards the other boy almost tackling him.

Losing his balance, the cup wobbles on its saucer before the black liquid swished out the cup into the pure carpet. Finally tumbling, the rest of the scalding drink falls onto them as they come down as one. Silent screeches of pain leaves their lips, black coffee dripping down their irritated skin. Finally the cup rocks back and forth before falling off it's black saucer and shattering. A plethora of glass shards dispersed in the white carpet.

The woman's face paled as white as a sheet. Overdramatically, she screeches and tumbles off the bed onto the black wooden floor sobbing. "My perfect carpet, so circular and fluffy white is ruined! The color pattern is ruined, it's no longer symmetrical! Im useless. Pathetic garbage! I DONT DESERVE TO STAY IN THIS WORLD!!" She cried slamming her fist on the floor repeatedly.

Both of the boys stuttered in an awkward mess trying their hardest to clean the floor but to no avail, the coffee has already seeped into the depths of the carpet, right down for the very thread. Large wails and sobs escaped from her, she just couldn't stop. "Ummm... Girl... Your gonna be late on your first day..." Anthony said. She fell down on her face again in shock.

"Damn it! I CANNOT be late on my first day! It sets a bad impression!!" Girl said as she rushed Kyle and Anthony out of her room telling them to get ready. In a half an hour, they were all dressed. Girl glanced over at the boys and saw that some buttons were done in the wrong place and cowlicks in the back of their heads.

"I have to fix both of your clothing! It's bad enough that you two aren't the same!" Girl rushed to make them look clean and decent as the toaster made a 'Ding!' Sound.

Grabbing the toast and slapping jelly or butter onto it, Girl grabbed onto her bag and they rushed outside in great speed.
"Beelzebub!" Girl called out so fast that it sounded like a jumble of words yet her white skateboard appeared. A light radiated from Anthony and Kyle and they morphed into gold pistols in the back of her bag. "Step on it!" and the board zoomed away, their mansion getting farther from view.

Completely Symmetrical (Death The Kid X Death The Girl)Where stories live. Discover now