{10} A Small Price to Pay

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Standing up, Girl wobbled a bit before losing her balance. Swiftly Anthony appeared to her side, his green eyes staring into her yellow ones. Supporting her, he held her by the shoulders. "You okay there?" He whispered. Girl nodded softly. "I know Xenovia takes the most energy out of you to get her to come here. Sit down and I'll get you a blanket and brew some tea okay?"

Kid averted his eyes, Anthony was always beside Girl, he knew that. Yet somehow, his heart ached. Eyes ablaze and couldn't look at the sight before him. He never behaved that way, what stirred up such malicious thought? Anthony sat Girl onto the sofa, running upstairs to get a blanket from her room. Liz and Patty attempted to comfort Girl in the meantime. As Girl tried to take off the strap, it wouldn't budge. Girl's worst fear had come true.

Trying to rip the fabric, cut it, pull it off, it was all hopeless. Kyle went into the kitchen to boil water while Anthony draped a blanket. Kid looked at the bag in his hand before walking upstairs to place it in her closet. Knowing how he felt at the moment and the predicament Girl was in, it wasn't the right time to ask.

Meanwhile, Kyle was pestering her to no bounds, flipping up the dress, causing her to place her hands down.

"Stop. It."

Agitation appeared on her face as she raised her hand to strike down on him. Before she could make contact, Anthony had held her wrist, placing the teacup in her hands. "Oh... Thank you..." Girl mumbled before taking a sip. Anthony instead slapped him, leaving an irritated mark on his left cheek. "Leave her be you pervert."

Kyle gave off a "hmph" before being dragged off by his brother upstairs. Whispering good night, they disappeared. Liz and Patty said goodbye to Girl also, retiring to bed. Both sisters said goodnight to Kid as he passed by them going down the stairs. That only left Kid and Girl, awkward silence consumed them. Finishing the tea, she placed the cup on the counter before letting out a yawn. "Are you okay, you've seem to have a lot of fun today." Kid mumbled, following her out the living room while switching off the lights.

"I wouldn't quite call it fun..." Girl laughed, the ends of the blanket trailing behind her. Walking up the stairs, Kid felt a strong longing to the point where he couldn't control it. As her feet walked up the steps, Kid ripped the blanket from her, the frigidness of the air became clear. Girl turned back, "Hey, why did you-"

Kid's face flushed as he looked away, he himself was also unsure why. He didn't mean to but it just happened. Girl grumbled before continuing up, turning towards the direction of Kid's room.
"O-oh, you're sleeping with me..." he said, heart beat picking up.

"Why do you sound so surprised? I like being in your presence at night." Girl giggled at him before opening up the door. Walking to the side of the bed, she went under the sheets and waited for Kid to join her. Slowly he pulled the knob, shutting the door. Removing his clothes down to briefs, he crawled on the other side. Girl had her back facing towards his chest but Kid gulped, wanting to reach out and touch her. Kid's heart rate skyrocketed and his head spun in circles.

Something came over him causing him to close the distance between Girl, pushing her into his chest. She didn't mind it as they snuggled before but Kid's intentions were much more. Unsure what was wrong with him, all the things that popped into his head, his body did it involuntarily. It seems he no longer had control of his movements as his mind consumed him with other thoughts.

(If you aren't comfortable with sexual themes, I suggest skipping until you see bolded text like this again.)

Kid sat up pulling the sheets off them, flipping Girl to lay on her back. Before she could react, he had already pinned Girl's hands over her head by clamping on her wrists. "Hey Kid what are-"

Completely Symmetrical (Death The Kid X Death The Girl)Where stories live. Discover now