(2) You've Got Some Explaining to Do!

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Girl's P. O. V.

Just where does he think he's dragging me?!

I shook my arm out of his grasp. " I'm not a damn puppy. You can simply guide me to where you're going." I reprimanded.
"Sorry Girl. I was being a bit too rough. Its just I'm really curious as to why we look alike." Trying again, he gently clasped my hands and begun to walk at my pace. I could already feel the heat circulating and rising within my cheeks. H-he's holding my hand! No one ever done that with me besides Anthony and my father when i was little... It's kinda nice...

We kept walking in peaceful silence until he abruptly stopped, causing me to awaken from my daze and trip over the short heels. I felt my balance slip from me and my weight lean forward as I waited for the impact.

Kid's P. O. V.

While we were walking, I snook quick glances at her, hoping she wouldn't notice. She's really is just like me. Her beautiful silky black hair, her dress, even the sanzu lines on her hair are there. She's pretty.
And not just because she looks like me... Its... Different than that... Wait! What am I thinking, she just got here! Forget the thought, I just want to talk to Father about my "twin". But as we were turning the corners, I couldn't help thinking how soft and warm her hands were.

We finally reached the room and I stopped in place but Girl didn't. She was about to fall on her face until I turned her around and caught her by the waist. Her face went from one of shock to relief. The tension on her face ceased and turned into a small smile, even with the dimples showing. That very smile pulled my heartstrings. Wow. Even her smile is beautiful.. Never mind that! I pulled her up and she quietly thanked me.

We walked through the door and there were four people in the room. Father, Maka's dad, and an unknown woman. "Excuse me Father, can you explain the meaning of-"
"Mother!" Girl giggled and released my grip. I looked down at my hand for a moment, suddenly feeling cold. She ran towards the woman and hugged her so tight that the woman's face began to flush red.

I stared at her, the situation leaving me completely shocked. That's her mother? Then why does she look like me?

"Oh hey kiddo! Your hair is the same as always! How are you doin'?" I shiver went straight down my spine at the thought of my hair. No matter how much I dye it, those damn lines always come back! "Please don't remind me of it. Anyways what's going on and why does Death the Girl look exactly like me?"

Her mother stared at me with an emotionless face and then smiled a little." Well there are different types of shinigami. There is regular shinigami, Lord Death, but my husband is the legendary Death himself." The woman said stroking Girl's hair which she clearly enjoyed as the flush on her cheeks said it all.

There are different types of shinigami? I didn't know of that. I got a better look at her mother. She has vibrant red hair but Girl has short black hair. Are all those born from shinigami come out like this?

Girl's P. O. V.

"Mother, what were you two talking about?" I asked which she responded with a smile.
"Your first mission." She whispered to me.
I could feel the smile creep onto my face. "My first mission? Really?" I whispered back which she nodded in response.

"Where is it Mother?"
"Lord Death will tell you two. Be patient."

"Kid, as you know this is Death the Girl's mother. We were discussing your mission for the both of you. You'll be heading to Anubis! I'm sending both of you because I'm fully sure you two are capable enough for this mission!"

Wait. Anubis? The pyramid of Egypt? Kid and I both looked at each other, our eyes igniting with excitement. I could almost lose consciousness right here.

"Kay! That should be good. I need to tell Anthony and Kyle so we can get a move on." I give my mother a quick peck on the cheek and dragged Kid away. "Bye Lord Death." "W-wait! I-i wasn't finished talking to-" he said as he tried to get away from my death grip on his hand.

Kid's P. O. V.

Girl dragged me out the room... Literally... I still need to talk to him about why she looks like me... "W-wait! I-i wasn't finished talking to-" "Too late~" she sang as she hummed to the beat of the clicking of her heels. What beauty her voice can produce... N-nevermind that I have to get out of her grip. She suddenly let me go, leaving me to stumble from loss of balance. Closing her eyes for a moment, she whispered. A small flash of light shone and by the moment I blinked, the two boys who were sitting beside her in class were in front of us.

They looked at the both of us before grinning, handing Girl her black and white striped backpack. "Yes Girl, what's up?" The tall one asked.
Who are they, weapons? I never sensed them nearby so how did they appear just like that? Was it the incantation she called out? I saw Liz and Patty down the hall as they were passing by and called out to them. Patty had some sort of melon bun in her mouth as she came down the hall towards us. "So these are my two weapons, Kyle and Anthony." They grinned once again and said hello simultaneously.

"These are my weapons, Liz and Patty." Both of them exchanged their hellos also and soon enough, those four began to socialize, leaving me with Girl. "So when do we depart?" She asked.
"Tomorrow afternoon."
"Im good with that."
Soon we were all walking together with our weapons chatting up storm behind us. Starting up some small talk, Girl and I began our own conversation.

Third P. O. V.

Everyone walked and turned with something to say. Kyle and Patty were babbling to each other endlessly but Anthony and Liz weren't the same. What was suppose to be idle chatter ended up becoming a deal.

"Hope Girl knows but Kid is a symmetry freak." Liz says to Anthony.
"Girl is a bigger freak. Shes all about organization and symmetry. Everything in our house is symmetrical and clean. We broke a cup in her room this morning and she wouldn't stop blubbering for an hour. We cant even have a dust particle floating around without Girl fainting from loss of blood."

They looked at Girl and Kid before looking at each other.
"Those two look good together." Liz whispered into his ear causing Anthony to chuckle.
"They could hook up together, huh huh?" He replied nudging Liz.

"Kid. A girlfriend. You're kidding with me." "Wanna bet on that?"
"Hell yeah!" Liz chirped.
"I bet they are gonna be together before a whole month ends." He said.
"Oh really now. I'll shake on that!" Their faces contorted to devilish grins and their eyes shone with mischievous glint.

{End of Chapter 2}

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