{9} Alone and Bored

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Girl's P. O. V.

My vision was blurry as my eyes opened, but I felt cold. Looking beside me, Kid was nowhere to be found. I immediately sat up but the light from his balcony blinded me causing me to lay back down.

After my short blind spell and my eyes adjusted, I say upright again. Looking about, he was nowhere to be seen. Opening up the door, I turned my head down both hallways. I only sense Anthony and Kyle. Liz and Patty weren't here either. Another mission? No. You can't take on multiple missions unless you're a high tier meister.

My bare feet were chilly as they slapped against the tile when I came down the stairs. Peeking into the living room, there was Anthony and Kyle eating a bowl of grapes and... Chocolate candy. Quite a weird concoction.

"Why in the world are you eating grapes and chocolate?" "Why didn't you wake up to make me breakfast?" Kyle pouted. I looked over at Anthony making him put his hands up in defense. "Hey, he didn't want to eat the food I was making him." I groaned. "Where is everyone else?" I questioned, plopping down on the sofa before taking a handful of grapes. "We dunno. When we woke up, we didn't hear anyone in the house. We didn't see you in your room so we assumed you left without us." Kyle responded.

"Well tada, here I am. Now, do you two wanna fight?"

Both of their faces lit up like two light bulbs. "I call referee!" Kyle yelled out.
"Ready.... Go!"

Anthony pushed me over, causing me to lose my balance. Using my leg as leverage, I twisted myself causing him to fall on the ground with me. We both went at it as Kyle stayed on the sofa, shouting out what happened like a boxing announcer.

"And there goes Girl, flipping the tables on Anthony! Seems she will come out victorious here as she lands a good blow to his chest there!"

I felt my lips turn up as I grinned, "Don't go easy on me you sissy! Give me all ya got!" I yelled before he pushed me off. "Wait Girl, what about if we break something?" Kyle chirped.

Anthony threw a punch at me and I ducked in time. "I got it, don't worry about it!" We finally got on our feet but as he was distracted trying to punch me, I swept my feet underneath him, knocking him down. I lifted up my leg over his face and brought it down with force but stopped at the very last moment. "Point for Girl!" Kyle laughed.

"Haha, what's wrong Anthony, is it cause I'm your meister? Don't go soft on me!" I said teasing him before moving my foot.

"On the contrary, Girl..." Anthony said before scurrying off the floor and lifting me up by my legs, tossing me over his back like a sack of potatoes. I banged on his back but he didn't bother to put me down gently, instead, he dropped me onto the table, causing splinters of wood to peak out, the legs giving out. A small drop of blood left my mouth but I wiped it off with the back of my hand. "Point for brother!" Kyle cheered, who's side is he on at this point, I wonder.

"Alright, you wanna play like that, then so be it."

Kid's P. O. V.

After hours upon hours of being at the mall with Liz and Patty, they finally decided on a dress for Girl. Liz suggested that I should go on a date with her to make her feel appreciated but I didn't know searching for a dress could be so tiresome. Everything I thought would look great on her ended up getting disapproving looks from the both of them. Patty insisted that she wanted us to have something to tell our children on what happened when we got together but she's thinking way too much into the future considering that shinigami don't age at the same rate humans do.

Chances of conceiving children are near to 0, perhaps our chances would be doubled as we are both shinigami but it won't be much... wait why am I letting Patty's ideas fill my head, now is certainly not the time! Dusk had begun to fall upon us as I skateboarded home. The mansion from outside looked peaceful, I'm sure I probably worried Girl from this morning, suddenly disappearing like that. But I'll make it up to her. Patty and Liz had shared similar uneasy looks, was there something they were seeing? I used my keys to open the door before walking in. I went right to the living room, "Hey, I'm back with-"

Completely Symmetrical (Death The Kid X Death The Girl)Where stories live. Discover now