{12} Catching A Killer

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Running about the house embarrassing Girl, the evening was approaching. Out of breath at the bottom of the stairs, Girl sat at the bottom of the step to gain some air. Cynthia came down, giggling. "Alright, I'll leave you alone."
"Thank shinigami..."
As Cynthia sat down next to her on the step, Kid came from around the corner and jumped. Finally realizing, he sighed. "An angel?" Kid questioned before Girl nodded. "Nice to meet you. I'm-"
"Is this him?!" Cynthia squealed causing Girl to groan. Kid looked at her slightly bewildered.
"As I was saying, my name is Death the Kid. Please just call me Kid."

"Oh, you two look just so alike, nice to meet you! My name's Cynthia! And here's... oh, where's Darius?"
Girl looked up the stairs to see him walking down nonchalantly. "Yo." he said before hugging up to Cynthia.

"You summoned two of them?"
"Darius just came by his own, don't mind him! But I'm the only one using energy from her right now. I'm a guardian so it's barely anything. Back in my archangel days, her mother would summon me and blood would just gush out her mouth!" Cynthia sang softly but Kid was absolutely stunned.

"Sacrifices have to be made to manifest heavenly and even demonic beings." Girl shrugged it off before standing up. "Since you guys are here, might as well stay for tonight. It's boring to talk to the same people every day. I'll make dinner so just relax till then." Girl mumbled before making her way to the kitchen. Kid looked at Girl leave but the moment she turned around to go about his own business, two hands held onto his shoulders. Quickly the hands clenched onto his shoulders with a vice grip. "So..." Cynthia breathed out. "What have you done with my baby girl?" She asked with a twinkle in her eye. Kid gulped, afraid to turn around.

Time lapse...

Liz and Patty came through the door carrying bags in their hands. Almost falling onto their faces, Anthony came up to them right on time, taking a couple of bags before carrying them to the kitchen. A wave of steam hit their faces as Girl fried the shrimp in a pan, golden brown surfaces upon them. Turning off the fire underneath the stove she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Hot white rice with stirred in broccoli sat in a pot. In a separate pan, coconut sauce sat to cool. "Alright, dinner is done."

Placing everything in the fridge, everyone sat at the table eagerly waiting. Placing dish after dish in front of everybody, Girl finally placed one before herself. Chatter stirred up between them, this time focused on their two guests.

"So you both are different beings but allowed to be with each other?" Liz questioned.
Cynthia nodded, "It was a tough feat but it worked out!" Liz burst into squeals commenting on how romantic it was. As Kyle was playing around with his shrimp, it flew off his fork right across the table onto Anthony's nose. Taking up the shrimp and placing it on his fork, he flicked it but ended up hitting Patty beside Kyle. Patty laughed before throwing some rice grains at Liz. And so it started. A fight with only rice and shrimp has turned into flinging back and forth sauce at each other. Girl shrunk into her seat, scared to be a new target but was eventually dragged into the pandemonium.

Everyone was damp with coconut sauce and rice littered over their bodies. Glancing at each other, Girl left the table and shook rice out her hair. "Anthony and Patty, clean it up." She called out before going upstairs. Both of them stuttered in shock looking at Kid. He shrugged before leaving the room and walking up too. One by one, everyone began to abandon them in the mess expecting those two to clean up. Patty groaned as she went to get the broom. Starting at separate places, Anthony took the dishes and washed them while Patty swept up the floor. Night had already come, it was close to midnight. Letting out a loud yawn, Patty slumped down into a nearby chair. "So much cleaning... I wanna sleeep..." She groaned.

"Ditto." Anthony sighed. Finished up, they trudged upstairs. As they walked down the hall, Patty glanced out the windows. "Shit shit shit!" She yelled as she shoved Anthony out the way before stepping back herself. Piercing the glass, the window shattered as a bright red arrow flew past them. The deadly arrow jutted out the wall, a purplish coating at the tip. A smirk appeared on the figure's face, a dark green hood over its face cloaking their features. It was plenty houses away but their feet began to hop from roof to roof at a swift pace. "It may not be long but come resonate with me!" Anthony exclaimed, causing Patty to morph to her weapon form. Anthony pointed the gun out the window, shooting wavelengths at the hooded figure but the person was moving too quickly as it dodged every shot.

Anthony began to yell to get everyone's attention, stirring Liz and Kyle out their beds. Girl and Kid were already awake from the sound of glass, rushing out of bed towards them. Liz and Kyle peeked out of their rooms before running out themselves. As soon as Girl and Kid were there, Anthony tossed Patty to Kid. Only 3 houses away the figure stopped before drawing their bow again. The moment the figure took the arrow out their quiver, the arrow was already shot. Landing right beside Anthony's foot, it scared him as he morphed into Girl's hands. Back the figure went to leaping again, the smirk becoming more evident as it came closer. Soon as it became a house away, it dropped fully down onto the ground. Liz and Kyle had finally arrived and transformed. Running down the stairs, Girl kicked the house door open to see the being on the lawn. Silver hair peaked out from ivy green cape it wore over its white skirt, striking emerald eyes from the feminine face stared into Girl's. "Robin Hood..." she whispered. 

"No time to daydream!" Kid yelled as he began to blast cannon like shots at Robin Hood. As Robin dodged, the cape fell off her head revealing her pale skin. "Get back!" Girl yelled as Robin Hood pulled out a knife from her leg band. Girl's weapon sparked as it came in contact with the tip of the blade. Both of them jumped back, eyeing each other. Robin Hood rushed in once more, constantly colliding with the guns. Girl was set on automatic defense and Kid shot at her but Robin still managed to evade. "Ugh, enough of this..." Girl mumbled. Robin Hood ran towards Girl once again. Turning herself slightly back, Girl raised her leg before spinning on the heel of her foot coming in contact with Robin's jaw. The force of the kick sent Robin Hood flying into the living room. Robin tried to get up but collapsed in pain. Girl pulled down her nightgown before walking up to Robin Hood, shoving her heel into her throat causing sputtering from Robin. Pointing the gun towards Robin's head, she coldly looked down upon her. "Say your prayers, you petty thief.

As Girl pulled the trigger, Robin Hood yanked onto her foot causing Girl to trip over. The shot blasted into the floor creating a head-sized crater. Picking herself off the floor, Robin Hood plucked Girl off the floor by her throat causing her to drop her weapons as she clawed at the hands for air. "Such soft skin this one has..." Robin whispered. Taking a dagger at her satchel once more, Robin Hood plunged it into her chest, causing Girl to gurgle before throwing Girl aside like discarded trash. Kid's hands grew unsteady as his emotions ate at him. Trying to shoot at Robin, his shots began to miss as she stood still. "Hey Kid, focus! You'll never be able to get her if you keep shaking like that!" Liz yelled.

"I know that damn it!" Kid yelled as tears began to slide down his cheek. Anthony transformed back, tears running down his face also. Blood began to fill her mouth so he sat her body up. Opening up her gown, Anthony panicked as he tried to examine how deep the wound was. "Move out the way!" Kyle screamed as he was leaving his weapon form. A knife slammed down into the back of Anthony's leg causing him to scream in pain as he fell down. Finally calming down, Kid shot a cannon-sized wavelength at Robin Hood, the shot passing through her head. Robin Hood's body collapsed onto the tiles, blood pouring out before the body faded into a pile of Kishin soul.

Kid dropped down onto his knees, tears blurring his vision and breathing heavy. White feathers began to fall as Cynthia appeared before them. Looking at the anarchy, she immediately ran over to Girl putting her on the floor. Cynthia placed her hands on Girl's chest. Her eyes turned pure white as the blood that soaked Girl's gown went towards her hands. Cynthia shook her head as she began to whisper in an unknown language. Kyle sat beside Anthony, taking off his shirt to wrap around the wound. Girl's breathing began to stabilize as her eyes opened. Immediately she sat up, spitting up the blood in her mouth to the side. Kid picked himself up off the floor to run towards Girl. Collapsing onto her, she fell back. Tears rolled down his chin to fall onto her cheek. Cynthia moved onto Anthony examining his wound.

"You idiot... You yourself said not to engage in close combat with Robin Hood..." He whispered as he cupped Girl's cheeks.
A small coughing fit erupted from her.
"Yeah, I know..."
"Don't ever do something so dangerous again..."
A smile adorned her lips.
"No promises." she whispered before closing her eyes once more.

Completely Symmetrical (Death The Kid X Death The Girl)Where stories live. Discover now